[Stargate: Drabble] "Alike in Dignity" [John/Rodney, G]

Nov 19, 2020 01:38

Title: Alike in Dignity
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24, challenge 02, prompts ‘dancing’ & Romeo & Juliet
Bonus: western genre
Word Count: 305
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Setting: part of my Alternate Lives series, tag to Compatibility of Souls, Chapter Eight: Home on the Range (John is a sheriff, Rodney is a blacksmith)
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: “No hooligans to throw in jail today, sheriff?”

Alike in Dignity

Lantea, Colorado Territory
1875 A.D.

“No hooligans to throw in jail today, sheriff?”

John looked over the top of his book. “Rodney, I haven’t arrested anyone in weeks, and that was only because Lorne got drunk and broke into Kavanaugh’s barn. I didn’t even lock the cell door.”

“Well,” Rodney drawled, pushing off from the open doorframe. “I certainly feel at ease, knowing that our fair town is under the watchful eye of a man who has time enough to read - Romeo and Juliet, Sheppard, really?”

“It was either Miss Weir’s classics or Miss Beckett’s medical books,” said John. “And there’s an impressive amount of sword fighting in this one.”

Rodney leaned a hip against the desk. “I should have known that would catch your attention.”

“You know what else catches my attention?” John asked, closing his book slowly and setting it on the desk with a sharp thunk.


Grinning, John rose, sauntering past the empty cells to meet Rodney halfway. The blacksmith had clearly just come from his shop - his hair was curling damp around his ears, like he’d tried to wash up, but there were smudges of soot above his eyebrow and around his elbows.

“You,” John said. He caught Rodney’s hand, wrapping his other arm around Rodney’s waist and beginning to spin them in a slow circle.

“What are you doing?” Rodney demanded.


“Without music?”

John pressed his nose against Rodney’s shoulder and began humming, loudly, until Rodney began to laugh.

“Okay, no, without music is fine.”

“Soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Rodney is the sun.”


“That which we call a rose, by any other name-”

“Seriously, stop, you’re terrible,” laughed Rodney.

John pulled back far enough to grin at him again. “Terrible means you love me, right?”

“Yes, you idiot,” said Rodney, and kissed him.


Current Mood:


drabble, john/rodney, compatibility_of_souls, stargate atlantis, writerverse

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