Jun 29, 2004 18:18
I have much too much on my mind right now.
*Walking back to my car after pilates (pilates was great by the way),I accidently set my car alarm off. It is quite loud, and reading my car manual has never been on my list of things to do. After 5 minutes of embarrassing agony, I finally found a random button that ceased the racket. I then left quickly.
*On my way home from the library I missed my exit. I was so upset by the lack of speed of the car in front of me that I just went right on by. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if gas wasn't so ridiculously high.
*I thought I would help with dinner. I am domestically challenged. I thought I would be daring and cut the avocado, and realized it was a risk I should not have taken. I missed the avocado, and sliced my index finger instead. It's still whole, but I have quite a slash. The knife even cut through my finger nail. If I have a family when I'm older.. they get take-out.
Did you notice that I changed my journal? I loved the previous background but decided I needed something a little less emotastic (word stolen from xiota). I am thoroughly upset that the scroll-bar code doesn't work. help?