Jan 21, 2009 12:27
I just got back from the Bay Area. It was a fantastic vacation. I stayed with Sandi and Dave and got to see some other friends, eat food I've been pining for, and RELAX. They showed me the movies Tropic Thunder and Burn After Reading. I liked both of them.
They have 2 INCREDIBLY cute kitties that they rescued, fostered (hand feeding them no less), and are now trying to adopt out. They are orange tabbies and sooooo cuddly. I tried to see if I could sneak one into my bags, but M got word of my plan and put a kibosh on that. (Although Vishnu is THIS CLOSE to getting the black spot due to her misbehavior. I've ordered some Bach Rescue Remedy to calm her down. God, I hope that helps. Or else, Sandi, we might be refining our plan regarding the shipping box with holes in it. :) )
E woke up at 1am, 2am, 2:30am, and 3am. M took the first shift and I took the 2am wake-up. I laid down with him for awhile. He asked if I was all done in San Franscico and then fell asleep. I went in at 3am and followed my usual bedtime ritual - tuck in, say I'll check on him later, and leave. He didn't wake up after that. I had to wake him up at 8:15am for school.
M did a great job in moving more of the office stuff down stairs to the new office area. He got our huge bookshelf and our filing cabinet downstairs. I'll need to dust it and put the books back on the shelf today. But this is awesome! The big item to be moved now is the desktop computer and printer unit. (Not to mention the desk and short filing cabinet they sit upon.)
Now, to conquer the books!