Book Meme!

Apr 22, 2008 11:53

Better than a real post about my boring life! ^_~

Tagged by kistha

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you've posted your three sentences. <-- I'm too lazy to tag people. It you wanna do it, just let me know. :D

On with the meme! Closest book was Oathbreakers by Mercedes Lackey. (Just finished it for like, the fifth time this morning. Still reads nicely.)

"If they are Idra's friends, they're going about this intelligently. If they're Raschar's creatures, they're being very canny. They could be either. We haven't seen of heard of the pretty one so much as lighting a candle, but if she's really Idra's prime mage, she wouldn't. Char surely knows as much about the Hawks as we do, and having two women, one of them Shin'a'in Swordsworn, show up here after Idra's gone off into the unknown, must certainly have alerted his suspicions..."

EDIT: Posted five instead of three... Oh well. Bonus for you!
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