Sakura Con: Short Report

Mar 31, 2008 18:34

Hey guys! I am now home, tired but happy. Also insanely glad that I took today off, considering.


Took the bus into town after work to fin the hotel room was indeed lovely, and the hotel was less than a block away from the convention center. Whoo for the downtown Sheraton. :D Hung out with chibi_arwen, and proceeded to get drunk while watching Law & Order. We then hit the hot tub and then went to sleep to prepare for...


Got up and dressed as Cooking Mama, my most comfortable costume. Took care of my awesome shift as a Zombie for the Kingdom of Prog, hanging out with truly awesome people and having the time of my life. There was some stressful weirdness with autograph sessions, but that was all right as my normal programming work was such a joy. I also accosted irishninja, who was still deaf from the concert he had just been at. Changed that night into Hogwarts with my awesome sexy heels of win. Drank more that night, hit the panel on Star Wars put on by pokeymegchan and lolled my ass off. Then went to bed as I had a 9AM shift on...


This day was the most busy, with more walking than Friday, which sucks. Mostly because the straw sandals required for Shinigami slide a lot, and hakama aren't made for long strides. (I was dressed as lieutenant Nanao Ise from Bleach, complete with my new lieutenant badge!) The best part of the day was purchasing an apron from a very cute vendor:

I purchased a momocup apron, and squeed WAY too much about it.

There was more autograph session dramas, but that was alleviated by celebnaur appearing dressed as Matsumoto, looking sexy. I also was able to say hi to xlana, and met her wonderful Winglets. I think I scared those poor kids with my nerdy. XD

I managed to go get food with chibi_arwen, and relax a little before coming back to work Cosplay behind the scenes. Discovered that it had been moved back an hour, and went over to hunt down vinnydapoo, clockworkwings and cochese. We chatted, lol'd at weebos, and then I had to run back to the Kingdom to get snapped up with the other zombies to hold the fort at Cosplay. I was stationed in a back service hall to direct cosplay groups between the stage and the green room, which was awesome and scored me some free Cranberry juice from a WSCC manager who stopped to chat and asked me questions about the convention. It was win. ^_^

Later, back at the room after some sadness about who won the cosplay contest and who didn't, there was talking with celebnaur, in which I hope I imparted some good advice that made sense. Ordered food with chibi_arwen, ren_i_am and K, whose LJ I unfortunately do not recall. :( I ate tons of tasty pizza and Italian food, and then proceeded to crash due to ultimate tired.


Woke up with tired, sore legs from my straw sandals and proceeded to stretch them while whining and joking with the roommates. Started to have odd stomach pains right before getting dressed in Hogwarts, but ignored it as I'm used to random pain that subsides in a short period of time. Only, after waiting in line for breakfast crepes, it got worse. chibi_arwen was an abosolute dear and bought some Tums from RiteAid, as she was convinced I had massive heart burn of some kind. WHile she was gone, the pain faded, and I could breath again. We bought crepes, had some coffee, and then headed for the Kingdom. By the time we reached the door, the pain was back worse than before, and I couldn't breathe properly. I was promptly shuttled back to the room feeling silly and decrepit, trying not to puke in the street. I was stripped, tossed into bed, and then curled into the fetal position waiting for this too, to pass.

It did, after about an hour of dozing combined with water and a crepe. Just as I planned to go back and work some of my Sunday shift, my eyes started running and I developed a serious cough along with rapidly spreading hives. Thus I spent all of Sunday in the hotel room, upset I was missing the end of the con and making people worry about me. Finally, that night, I was well enough to go to Cheesecake Factory to eat dinner. My symptoms didn't return, and my body is acting like nothing happened. The bitch. K had to go home that night, so after a tearful farewell, we retired early.


Woke up enough to say farewell to ren_i_am on her way to catch the hotel airport shuttle, and then promptly went back to sleep. Hung out with chibi_arwen the rest of the morning, hanging in the hot tub and enjoying doing nothing. Watched more Law & Order, and packed up the room. Checked out in record time, and then hit Jumbo's for some post-Con lunch.

Came home, and happily fell asleep in my own bed. Woke up to hop on the internet after my forced sabbatical, and have now watched a truly awesome storm develop and end. Not only was there lightning and thunder, there was massive hail that covered the street. I love you too Renton. :D

SO,in short, I had an excellent con. I've already volunteered to be a Prog zombie again, with a promise that I won't have a body freakout that'll put me out of commission for an entire day. I've been reading other reports about what a great con everyone had, and am just so happy I got to see everyone I did.


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