Jan 31, 2008 08:21
Just found out this morning that as of February 9th, my immediate area no longer has bus service. That's right, the Duvall/Coal Creek closure is causing both the 240 and 114 to bypass my entire hill, and just scuttle right down Sunset.
I guess I could make the mile hill walk every day, and wouldn't mind it one way. It's just walking a mile uphill after riding the bus for an hour with screaming children and unhappy people that's killing my soul simply by thinking about it.
Guess it's time to say goodbye to public transit and get a car. Somehow. First on the list is writing a very disappointed letter to the City of Renton and King County wondering why they couldn't work with Metro to find a way to facilitate the construction WITHOUT having to cut off a large number of residents who depend on the bus to commute to work.
On the other hand, ran into a woman on the bus that seemed to know me. No idea who she was, but was friendly enough. Actually made the bus ride out at 6:25 AM pleasant.
Now, back to work and discovering Pandora. (Damn you, Cosmo!)