Jan 11, 2007 08:09
So, the day started out fairly normal for a Wednesday. I slogged through price proposals, made calls, and updated my industry work sheet. As they day progressed into night, it started to snow lightly. As the last time it snowed, I had to walk a mile, I was concerned.
I inquired about leaving early, was mocked, and decided to just wait the day out. How bad could it be? Well, let me break it down for you:
5:40pm - 114 arrives at 3rd and Spring. Fav bus driver is there, her son is riding the bus, even Chuck gets on at 5th and Jackson.
5:50pm - 1-90 express lanes are blocked by accidents. I-90 is no better. We sit in traffic for about 2 hours. During those 2 hours, we almost die getting off the express lanes. Only thing that saved us was the fact we had a damn fine driver. We then get stuck right afterwards, and are saved by a DOT truck.
We continue on snow route, very slowly, as I-405 is a freaking parking lot. I have never seen so many luxury cars abandoned on the side of the road.
8:00pm - We have to turn around because there are busses blocking Newcastle Way. We try to get back to the freeway, other side of road is blocked by a schoolbus and cars. We back the bus up, turn around, and head back down the snow route. We reach 405, and wonder what to do next. We make a tentative plan to take exit 6 to Kennydale.
8:55pm - Metro base FINALLY calls our driver about an hour after she called them. Repeatedly. They tell us that exit 5 onto Park is our only hope. The bus will take us to Renton Transit Center, and then we are on our own.
9:35pm - Exit 5 is blocked by a jacknifed Sound Transit bus. Those of us going up Sunset Boulevard exit on the freeway and head for the intersection. We spend around 15 mins walking, as I manage to wrench the bad hip and then whine the rest of the way to Herfy's burgers.
10:00pm - Picked up at Herfy's by the roomate of a gal on the bus. She lives in the same place as Stacy, and I take that chance to go crash at Stacy's.
10:15pm - Arrive at Stacy's, crash on the couch.
So there you have it. Apparently I had too easy of a time last time I was out in the snow, and I needed to be educated. Am currently figuring out a way to meander home some time in the afternoon, during the warmest part of the day. Not really feeling the mile walk home, but it's not like I have a choice. Could always meet up with Dad when he gets off work, and see how that works out. Mmmm... Taco del Mar...