For everyone on my f-list,
but mostly for
zukkoke_iero actually. I give you a little bit of Ohmiya love!
(And my smallest post EVER...)
Two in One:
Inspired by zukkie's Two in One mini-series. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you do. It's awesome! (Click
This one is especially for you zukkie! Kind of a badly made book cover for your fic. I wasnted to draw them as proper teenagers but I couldn't find any usable reference pictures. (They pulled too many funny faces in their early years.... Actually, they still do, and I love them for it, but it's REALLY hard to draw.)
Gone Fishing:
You see, Ohno went fishing instead of waiting for Nino like a good little boy. Now Nino sits alone and plot's his revenge..... (I think I see a potential drabble; anyone want to write it?)