Oct 13, 2006 14:41
Okay here's a short, but long overdue entry. Ben and I broke up last weekend. And part of me definity feels like I made a huge, terrible mistake. That's the part that's all sad and lonely. And missing seeing my best friend in Asheville everyday, going to bed with him every night and waking up next to him every morning. BUT. I think it's for the best....it was kind of mutually agreed it wasn't really happening for us any more. But it's still hard and depressing and it sucks.
Blah. So. I;ve been spending a lot of time with my friends. My two boys: Matt J and Matt L, and my girlfriend Ashley. And I went salsa dancing on wednesday night. so much fun. and it brought back some memmories of jazz band, miskavage, etc.
My favorite professor at school woke up the other day, and part of his face was paralyzed. Which is so sad cause he kind of looks like Tom Cruise from Vanilla Sky after the car accident. But not that bad. His beard covers a lot of it up. But he has to tape his right eye closed at night so the eyeball doesn't dry out. And it's harder for him to talk now, and he slurs some of his words. But he's still the smartest professor at UNCA.
And on the most cheesy note ever: My friend Matt (J) told me the other day hanging out with me and being my friend has made him wanted to be a kinder person. Which I don't really know what that means. I laughed at him and said "that's ironic." Because I don't necessarily consider myself a kind person. And I think you guys can vouch for me on that one.
I'm so jealous it snowed in Chicago.