Nov 08, 2004 22:17
Ok so today was great! Haha nothing too exciting happened in geography or spanish, although Jack and I did make up a pretty sweet schvinc rap on the way to 3rd. The highlight of my day was probably during 3rd hour when Yansak sent Lindsey and I out into the hall. So Yansak has this weird ego thing and pretty much zero life so he decided to pick on us two straight-a students for talking, although pretty much the whole class was talking. It was like 15 minutes into class and we hadn't been doing anything at all for that time and he was like "You girls have been talking this whole class." And then he started lecturing the class about how we dissapoint him and Lindsey and I missed the whole thing cause we were out in the hall cracking up. We pretty much spent the rest of the class out there, just talking and laughing at ourselves because we're high schoolers and no one gets kicked out of class in high school and it was the first time that either of us had gotten sent to the hall in our lives. We had fun just talking about what if Yansak was listening to us right then and talking about.. everything. And the police walked by right then and ah it was good times. We've concluded that Yansak is an evil man who is out to get us haha. But I'd have to say, if I had to get kicked out of class for the first time, I'm definitely glad it was with Lindsey. We had such a good time, it wasn't a big deal at all and I don't think that we're going to forget this for a long time.. You know, class was actually better out of class.. we're thinking about getting kicked out every day. Just kidding. Sort of. Seminary was soo good today we watched this movie with these little kids who were soooo cute and yeah it was good. The rest of the day went well, too. OHH! And I got a 100% on my Jane Eyre literary analysis essay and that makes me soo happy, considering I haven't finished the book completely and I threw that paper together in a night-- and Mrs. Hart is such a hard grader, too.. I was actually shocked. Will and I had a good time in the car on the drive home cause our mom was behind us so he kept driving reeally fast then real slow up all of the hills just to bug her. I did some homework and such, then went to basketball.. which went well. My shot was off tonight, but I definitely wasn't the worst there. And Mages always talks to Becca and I about Cross Country and like loves us now so that is a definite plus. We always slip in little bits of information about the extra runs we go on, just to make him happy. :P. So yeah I came home and had a very satisfying dinner of eggs, a banana, strawberry-banana yogurt, and milk. I was home alone and that sounded real good to me so yeah. I've pretty much been doing homework and other stuff until now, when I'm off to bed. So that was a play-by-play of my day. I hope you all enjoyed it (most likely you didn't) but that's ok. I just had to write about my P.I.C. (Partner in Crime) and my experience in third hour.. wow that makes me smile every time I think about it. Oh and I re-did my lj.. I don't know how much I like it. I'm not completely finished with it yet, but.. well I dont know. Comment baby.
Psh. I Love You .