1fandom Ravenous set one

Feb 21, 2007 21:05

50 sentences for the 1fandom community...

Fandom: Ravenous
Theme Set: One
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: Warnings for themes of cannibalism and slash. I'm new to this so if I have any huge glaring grammar errors in this please let me know. ^^

01. Mortal
Once he had been a slave, subjugated to the weaknesses of his own flesh, but now he was something so much more.

02. Broken
Boyd looked pathetic lying on the filthy floor, chained and bloody.

03. Vanish
Everyday she gazed to the horizon, scanning the landscape for any sign of the lost party; Martha could now only pray that her songs would lead him home.

04. Rain
The evening brought thunderstorms which made the meadows burst anew with the wild flowers of late summer and, gazing out the window, Reich decided some violets would brighten up their little chapel quite nicely.

05. Ocean
Holding the cold, stiff body of his child to his breast, Reverend Ives cursed the day they went to sea and the God who led him there.

06. Tense
Every time he drew near, the younger man would shrink away as if he were trying to disappear into himself; so he would crawl up close to him, staining his crisp white shirt with the others filth and bear his teeth against John's cheek, savoring the warm thrill that rushed through him as Boyd trembled in fear.

07. Soon
There was a war on and John Boyd knew as he marched his men closer and closer to Mexican territory everyday, that he would have to prove himself a courageous man.

08. Why
"When you asked me what drove me to commit such heinous acts, didn't you realize that you already knew the answer?" Ives leered as Boyd shrunk into the corner, leaned toward him, and running his rough thumb along the other man's chapped bottom lip said, "because I can."

09. Winter
A shorter route had been promised, but the snows were closing in on them and MacCready knew they were already dead.

10. Fallen
Turning his back on God had been so much easier than Ives had thought it would be; he was choosing to serve a new master now.

11. Storm
The weather of the Sierras was hard to predict, but Ives had been right on time for the first winter storm, soon his weary party would not be able to go any further and then he'd have them right where he wanted them; it's lovely weather for a fireside feast he thought to himself and smiled.

12. Door
As long as Boyd could see Col. Knox through the narrow doorway he allowed himself to have a small sliver of hope.

13. Flash
"I'll always be there to protect you," Reich flashed him that big bright smile and Toffler truly believed him.

14. Wait
Ives could be a patient man, all it would take was a bit more time and Boyd would fall, give into his baser instincts and join the fold; Ives was a very patient man when it came to what he wanted and for that he could wait.

15. Shrine
Like the prophets of old, he would build a tabernacle in the wilderness.

16. Black
Hart struggled against the darkness, only to awaken to a darker hell.

17. Lost
"I wish you wouldn't dismiss me so when I'm trying to talk about the Lord, after all everyone needs finding", the young Pvt. sighed; "And just what makes you think I'm lost?" Reich asked, genuinely curious; "I can see it in the way you look at me, like a man who doesn't understand his own intentions."

18. Cell
The fire inside him grew as the days and nights drifted by in a painful haze; the only thing he could think about was the hunger, like a creature wreathed in hellfire trying to gnaw it's way out of him and all he could do was stare at the sky through the branches hiding him and pray he had the strength the endure this prison.

19. Villain
In the story books his Mother used to read to him in his youth the prince never died in the end, he was always triumphant over the villain and lived on, despite all the hardships he had had to endure; John lamented such thoughts as he shoved Ives head down upon the bear traps trigger and felt steel teeth ripping into him.

20. Road
As the cart was pulled along the dusty road every bump and curve would shift the bodies stacked atop him and rain more gore down on him, filling his mouth with blood and bits of brain as he fought for air.

21. Weep
Sometimes when he was in a sentimental mood (which was far more often than an officer should be) Col. Hart could weep over the thought of all the fine books he would never read.

22. Blind
God, they'd all been so oblivious to his deceit and had followed blindly; now they would never see again.

23. Pact
"I gave you your life back, pulled you from the brink, I think I deserve a little loyalty from you for it", Hart knew it was wrong to make deals with demons but at the moment he was just too sore and hungry to care, "Of course you do" he said as he extended his hand, still wet with his own blood, to the man he called Colquhoun, "Let's seal it with blood, shall we?"

24. Flight
The chase was always the best part for him and now hunting poor Pvt. Toffler through the trees, he was reminded how fast little birdies could fly when in danger; but of course, he thought with a manic grin, they were never quite fast enough.

25. Hard
"You see Boyd, in the end it's always easier to just give in" Ives tightened his grip in the Captains hair as the other man bit into his shoulder, drawing blood, "Not very hard at all..."

26. War
Madness had seized him in the heat of the moment, with fresh blood still dripping from his lips and the twisted flesh of the enemy between his fingers; he finally understood the true extent of warfare.

27. Deed
By this one action did he want to be remembered, if only by one person, that he gave his life for the noble deed of slaying the dragon.

28. Unknown
The lust that coursed through him at the sight of Ives' bloody hand had been unlike anything he had ever felt before, just remembering the taste and smell of the substance almost pushed him over the edge; it was shocking to Boyd to find that even his intimate desires were not unknown by the other man.

29. Deep
Gone in too far and too deep and now he was lost, he could never go back to who he was, not after having a taste of such power.

30. Sudden
The attack had been swift and sudden, a knife to the gut and the sound of screaming; Col. Hart could already feel the grey around the edges closing in and growing colder.

31. Dread
John felt constant fear over what he might do, dreading the time when he would lose control.

32. Burn
The knife embedded firmly in his back blazed with pain as Ives roughly twisted it back out.

33. Clock
Hart had a simple clock in his office, it's ticks were the loudest he had ever heard, needless to say it met its end one winters day; death by Machiavelli.

34. Words
He couldn't say what he had wanted to, so he just gathered her into his arms and wept with her for their loss.

35. Fast
The whole plan had to be acted out quickly; Boyd knew that if he wasn't fast enough, Ives would outwit him and avoid the steel trap.

36. Three
After about three slices of meat from Reich's thigh, John decided that he really was low enough of a man to do anything for survival.

37. Place
His little cave had been the most tranquil place Ives had ever stayed; too bad he was running low on rations.

38. Irony
What a lovely sight to behold he thought, a warm fire and a bubbling kettle filled with the most delicious smelling stew; grabbing a bowl and helping himself the General held the hot bowl firmly to bring the pink back to his frozen hands and once they were warm enough he dug in and decided it was the best meat he had ever tasted.

39. Sky
As the party rested along the banks of the Truckee watering and feeding the animals, Mrs. MacCready commented on what a marvelous color of blue the sky was; Ives smiled and told her that they would have such clear skies till at least January.

40. Closet
As a boy Lindus had taken refuge in the broom closet when his father would come home drunk and raging, even as a man he sometimes found himself looking for a closet to hid in when the General got into one of his moods.

41. Real
This was the stuff of nightmares, John thought to himself, as Ives revealed his smooth shoulder, this sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen in the real world.

42. Fair
He could hear Boyd pull the knife out of the table top and thought about just how unfair his life had been before cold metal split his neck open.

43. Knot
After dinner Ives had helped Boyd to his room, cleaned him up and dressed his wounds; he even helped to get the knots out of his hair which Boyd had found most disconcerting.

44. Low
John bowed his head to the ground until he felt fingers tightening in his hair, pulling his gaze back up to the man seated before him; Ives sighed contently and tossed him another scrap of Major Knox.

45. Well
The young master grabbed the irritating mutt by the collar and blithely tossed it down the family well, feeling no regret; that very night he decided to join the military when he got old enough, he figured he would make an excellent General.

46. Token
A few strands of Boyd's golden hair had gotten tangled in a tree branch during his fall, so Ives carefully collected them to add to his collection.

47. Ugly
He thought their pathetic little chapel was rather ugly and plain, but when Toffler was there preaching, it lit up with a glory to rival the great churches of the east and Reich didn't even consider himself a religious man.

48. Lure
He was attracted to the other man's power, lured like a moth to a flame; no doubt he would be suitably burned.

49. Drink
With the first person he had killed (his disposable Indian guide) Ives had decided to take things slow and had drained a good deal of the mans blood into a simple tin cup, after a tentative sip he downed the rest in one gulp finding the taste to be most agreeable.

50. Dust
Sometimes after a particularly vivid nightmare, John would wake up with the taste of Texas dust in his mouth.

ravenous, fan fiction, random writing stuffs

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