Feb 24, 2012 11:03
What? I can spell it with a Y if I want too. I don't think it's so much shows or books that gets me addicted. I'm a fan of fandoms. There are things I had NO INTEREST IN yet, I would learn about just to follow the fans and see all the crazy shit they pull. But in all trueness I do like MLP FIM (My little ponys, friendship is magic) (ha! See they spell it with a Y too) Got to say a few stand out but can't say witch is a favorite. I like Rarity, DJ P0n-3 or Vinyl Scratch, and got to like Luna in the Halloween episode (NightMare Night). With that out of the way.
I put up a massage asking who wants to go with me to see Ghost Rider 2 on Facebook. In two days no one had replied.... What's the point of this?! So ya I'm going to call them up an a few minutes before I go off to work to see who's up. Should do the rumble seat thing...
Doesn't show that on my app... might have to find me a news paper.
...and I got distracted my cute pony pictures. Damn the cuteness will destroy us all! Sent text message and nothing still. agh well, I'll call after work and try them again.