My will and testoment

Jan 03, 2010 19:44

After watching When They Cry Abridged
I must insure my safty by writing a strongly worded letter. No I am not evoding my homework!

For the last week I've been stuck off my foot. I spraned it bad while clean out the shead. Mom wasn't happy. I mean we've been talk about clean it out for months, Wish I had spent that time clean the play room >.>

Not only is my foot hurt but all this time laying around seems to have made my other foot weak... that or it's the cold air. Why are they always cold? Mal-nutristion?
don't judge my typeing let's see you type laying down.

Wasted my whole week off of school for nothing. By the time I get well I'll be back to school work and my computer will be fixed so I'm sure I'll want to go on IMVU. Cursed addiction.
My mindis going blank. All I can think about is when my foot will be better and I can get up. I can't tell weather the tingleing in my ankle is a good or bad one.

Oh ya the whole testamony thing. If I should loss my ankle... I'm keeping my skates. Suck it mtherfkers I refuse to give up!

also have this earge to chop off my hair. I don't look good with short hair but it could be better from the line of work I want to be in. Now if you'll excuse me I must OD on advil and dream of cutting my foot off. Oh also study my words... or slack off and watch an anime.
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