So I''m picking up where Entry: So much for that
left off. It all rolls together in to two long weeks.
So yes. Sunday 19 I believe it was. I finally get home around 11pm from hang with Sachi and Lindsay. I didn't drive because I was so hung up on working at a call center. I swear I hadn't touch the internet in that week other then to bring up MicroWord to re-type up a scripted to make it easier to read. I sat on the edge of my bed thinking, about an hour or so passed before I layed down trying to relax. I remember hearing my Cellphone give out Jacob's ringtone. I told myself not to answer it and just go to sleep. I didn't hear his car and wondered that as worked on sleeping.
It was some time before 7am I got up, still telling myself it would be ok, but still getting nothing but negitive feedback. I went in, clocked in and got an orange juice. I felt like crying, I just couldn't get my thought to talk. An older lady from my trainning class came over to talk to me. I think when she left she told my manager (of my team) my manager had me come outside away from everyone and asked what was going on. I talked and couldn't stop from crying, she ask if this was going to happone when I got on the phones, and if I could really do this. It was there I had to admight the truth. I told her I couldn't do it.
She told me it was ok and had me come in to her office, sign a paper and wright 'this job is just not for me' then asked how I was getting home, if I was having problem should she call an ambulance. I told her I'd just sit out in my car then I'd be ok to drive home. She told me to bring back the shirt when I picked up my paycheck on Thursday. In my car I sat crying and drinking my Sunny D. I heard my watched beep 8am and thought how everyone else was in there on the phones. I took a few more minutes to let it go and drive home.
At home I did a little cleaning, talked to myself to get my voice back. I was thinking I should wait till Mom gets home to see work on the Garage. Then Jacob came in. For an hour was hugged and I told him what happened then he told me his bad day.
That night I missed his call he had dealt with this guy who blamed Jacob on the Ad claiming Tide for $5, The Ad meant these small bottles. The guy grabbed the biggest jug that was unmarked. Jacob range him up and the guy later looked at his receipt and came storming back demanding to know why he was charged $25. Oh how this guy went OFF! The Manager just gave him the jug witch we all know was the whole point of his temper tantrum. They grow up thinking if I thought stuff and hurt people I'll give free stuff. People like that... god not going to get started....
Well he just wanted to get something to eat (missed lunch again) and forget it. He called me and I didn't answer so he went to his Grandma's house. He walked up to an unlocked door. She's one of those people who have the doors locked when your home or even when your not. Jacob is so use to banging on the door for her to let him in. It was weird, he called out to her and was going to the kitchen when he sow the vomit in the hallway. In the bathroom he found his Grandma passed out. He helped her up and out on to the couch, gave her some advil or was it that stuff that starts with a B?
Anyway he called 911 and an ambulance came out. He went with her calling up the family. He went with her to the emergency room. His Dad and sister and mom and not sure who else came later. He told me him and his Dad stayed till 4am before Jacob took her clothes to wash and he went to rest.
I left with him to get her things, I miss understood. Thinking we would stop at Dimple then come back. So I had left my things at home. We got her clothes and some other things and went to see her. They thought she had a stroke (minor), they worn't feeding her because an hour after Jacob left she throw up and there was some red in it. Might be blood they wanted to check if she was diabetic and something else. Jacob put on the wipe board that she need the TV on the Spanish Soap Oprah channel and FOOD!! His sister came with Carman (the little girl, yes I remember her name and her brother's is I... Iru... ok I had it and forgot it, but I'm getting there!) We spent time with her for a few hours then went to the cafeteria for food, joking how bad it would be for us to take this food in there when she couldn't eat. It was hour before 2 when I borrowed Jacob's phone to leave my mom a message. As I had said, I didn't think we'd be gone long. My purse was thrown on the table with stuff spilled out and my cell was accurately upstairs by my computer. Carmen played with Jacob's cell and at 2 I asked if I could use it again and Jacob ask what it was about everyone wanting his phone and calling him. He had been getting calls non stop though the whole ordeal.
We left her clothes and took her other stuff back to her house. At my house Mom was there and went off about things I should be doing then Jacob brought attention to himself and she started telling his all this and that. Now didn't seem like a good time to tell her that the call center didn't work out, instead I want outside and washed Dad's bike, she asked why I didn't get Jacob to help me I went without a word but thought 'I'm sure he'd LOVE to waste his free time washing bike' He did come down and help.
Later an Ice Cream truck came by and Jacob got a snow cone and got me an ice cream sandwitch. Just to add to his bad day his snow cone fell off. He finished and waited for me, I told him to ask mom if there was anything else. I don't think I explained it to him, but when she's like this you never say "I'm done" she wants to hear "what would you like next" must likely she'll let you go sooner. I was out there for a good 15 min and he hadn't come back so I figured Mom sent him on something else. She hadn't, he went to the computer after asking her. Me and her talked for a bit, I explain I had plan to do these thing back go distraced and apolgized and she let me go.
Jacob and I watched GhostBusters Cartoon. Later Mack came over with his new girlfriend. We went to go so his Grandma, It was late they wouldn't allow vistors after late and we figured that we'd have to sneak in or storm the place.
Turned out all we need was vistor pass stickers o.0;;;
This trip they finally let her eat. I was happy to hear that, but they also need blood. The girl that came in couldn't find it, after a miss attempet she made a call saying someone else would come. A while later another lady came in, she talk about how she'd done this before even did it while people where sleeping (not wanting to wake them) she found the vain took more then enough so Jacob's Grandma woudn't have to do another one. We left and hanged out in the parking lot.
I'm pretty sure it was Tuesday I cleaned the floors and Jacob came by to clean his Grandma's car and he even cleaned Mom's car. I made orange chicken with rice, egg rolls and 3 sushi rolls. Then we watched more GhostBusters I think he spent the night and it was Wednesday he left to get his Grandma I was put on cleaning duty. That night, no wait I'm pretty sure it was Thursday I was cleaning, that's right because first Blik and Kat where coming, first I had to get the guest room ready then Thursday she changed her mind and I had to get Chris room ready. While finishing up with the trash I drop the can on my toe. It hurt more then I thought it would so I had to sit down. Lucky I had done all that was needed. I iced my toe but the pain made it hard for me to stay still.
Friday I was still iceing it and it went from green to blue. Jacob came over and was really really bummed out. He had token his test and failed. They didn't tell him what he got or what he missed. Only that he hadn't gotten 70. He seemed more pissed about the test then not getting the job, I heard as he talked to his Dad on the phone that he'd always been bad with test and angry with himself. He tried calling in sick but instead they asked if he could come in later. He stayed here then left saying he'd call me and we could go see a movie. That night I didn't hear from him, I sent a text.
The next day everyone was up. See Blik dose painting on walls. Those big realistic ones, for us he was going to paint the bridge we had photo collection of. I think it's the San Fransisco bridge, a friend of my Mom and Dad had token the pictures while they visited. We've had these pictures scene I was little. I was talking pictures of his step by step of the picture. But some time after 12 noon I sent a second text to Jacob. At this time it was 2 in the afternoon and I got worried. I left my camera asking if Kat could take some picture while I was gone. At his Grandma's house was surprise not only was she there but, his sisters, the kids, his Dad and him where out back cleaning away the junk yard that had piled up back there.
My toe was still hurt and bruised, I had black socks on and slip on shoes. I keep the shoe off my bruised toe but keep it just in case. Before going there I had stopped by the call center to drop off everything and pick up my check. I was happy to see he was O.K. and nothing bad happened. I stayed inside with Carman and her brother was running around. After they where done we both stopped at our banks and he give directions to his car dealer where he had to pay in cash, he didn't have checks and they didn't credit card so that kind of sucks.
Back to my house they where making stacks and other stuff. We played up stairs on the computer. Then we where asked to clean the back porch so we could eat. Few more minutes on the computer then we ate. By this time it was after 7 and Blik had finished the painting. It was grate! I have to post them later on Facebook and maybe else where so everyone could see. I'll put one here, but I'll also make sure Facebook is on my links.
Sometime after midnight I got a little tired and was napping on the floor. Mom came in and Jacob woke me up saying maybe I should take him home, seemed I'd napped till 2am. Didn't seem that long.
That was yesterday. Today Blik had one hell of a hang over but Dad had given him another idea for the garage to have a bike picture. I went with mom to toe the grocry store then Wendy's for food, we got a two different hambuger and two chicken so they'd have a choose, small fris and frostys all around! :D Frosty make everything better
All that walking must have been bad for my toe, it did not feel good. I couldn't stand. Sadly I've been missing out on taking step by step pictures of this pictures ;_;
But I will take some later and show those too.
That's it for now!
...I'm going to pass out over there now.