Title: Sobering
Fandom Law & Order (original flavor)
Character: Cyrus Lupo
Rating: PG
Word Count: 93
Spoilers: Part of Lupo's backstory as relayed in 18.8, "Illegal"
Disclaimer: Not mine, not for profit
A/N: Written for and cross-posted to
lawandorder100, Landmarks challenge
The next morning, Lupo wakes up completely, agonizingly sober.
Not like yesterday, with his head pounding and mouth tasting of gin. Thankfully, what’s-her-name had already left. He’d hustled to get to work, still buzzing from residual alcohol and the lingering satisfaction of getting laid.
An hour later he was nodding off, so Diego went to get him coffee.
Now he’s wondering how he can pay respects to Diego’s family while seeing his own disgust mirrored in their eyes.
His partner’s killer is still at large. And the gunshots hadn’t even woken him up.