(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 08:34

So, looks like the drama has finally ended. And who wants to bet that this post is going to start it back up again? I haven't told very many people what's been going on, but after a bunch of medical problems, and a long day in the hospital, I had to take the advice of my doctor, and leave my job. Now, I know, as soon as Ashley reads this, (and I'm sure she will) she's going to hoot and hollar, crowing about how she was right, and I didn't keep the job, and how much of a useless slut and terrible mother I am.

How wrong she will be. I didn't want to leave my job. It's not every day that you get to talk to business owners in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, Austraila and the U.S. I enjoyed my job, and I was good at it. But unfortunately, I have asthma, and I couldn't breathe well while I was at work. It sucks. The people there are completely awesome, friendly, and I know I'll never get another chance to find a company as good as them. But while I was at the hospital, the doctor asked me what, besides the heat, would have set my asthma off, and when I told him the different conditions at home, at work, at the mall, on the bus, etc., he told me that I might want to see about finding another job. Because if I stayed there, then I would just have to keep coming back to the hospital because of asthma attacks, and that they'd get more and more frequent.

I don't know about anyone else, but to me, I can't see staying in a place that could do me that kind of harm as a good thing. So I had to leave. I could have stayed there, to be sure, but if I had, then things would have become worse, and I didn't want that.

So, now I look for something else. Well, I've already started, and things are looking very promising.  :D  I'm not going to say with who, or where, because I don't want to jix it.

So, Ashley, go ahead and comment again, show the world what you think of me, go ahead and tell m that you were right, and I proved you right. Go for it. I'm waiting for you. Because when you try, I'll be right here, shooting down everything you say, again, and proving you wrong at every turn again, and making you so pissed off that I catch you in your lies, again. Let's get the new drama started Ashley.

Or are you actually starting to grow up?
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