A great idea struck me yesterday while attending a meeting at my son's school. For those of you who don't know, my oldest (not the one in the avatar) has been diagnosed with multiple emotional and behavioral disorders, namely ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, and most recently Asperger's Syndrome (which kind of raps all three of the previous into one). He is reluctant to buy into his new school which specializes in educating unique students like him. But as I was listening to him, and the teachers, myself, and his mental health case manager, and idea hit me: He has his own little world with his own unique societal rules. . . .
I wonder how many other parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, social workers, etc., have felt this way about a child in their lives? My idea was wouldn't it be wonderful if we could a book of personal anecdotes about these children to support them and the adults in their lives (particularly the adults in their lives) who all to often feel that we are isolated and up against everyone in the world to protect and raise these often wonderful and often challenging children and young adults (it doesn't always end with adolescence).
What I would like is help, in the form of spreading this to someone who may know a person who fits the above description (it may not be the exact mix of my son, it could be autism, pdd, bpd, bi-polar, etc. anything that affects the way the child is perceived by society or perceives society. To put this project together, I need stories, from real people about real people. If you can, please contribute, or share with some you think can contribute.
Anecdote (1000-7000 words, approximately); first names only please. Let's try to protect these people as we help others.
First name of the person submitting (pen-names are acceptable).
Real name and address of person submitting (for my records only; plus, if this project gets published, I'd like every person who contributed to receive at least one book as a thank you; other thank yous may be possible, too, but I cannot promise any particulars at this point in time. Also, the people who would need this book, need it cheap because of the cost of raising children with these needs).
Please send all information or inquiries about this project to my email: amethystts@sbcglobal. The anecdote should in one of these files: pdf, rtf, txt, or doc (but not doc from Vista).
Those submitting will agree to allow me to do minor editing of their anecdotes (SPaG) and may be asked to sign a waiver for publication.
Thank you for your time and consideration,