Once again, It is time for the Daily Update

Aug 14, 2006 17:55

Yes, I've been updating my LJ more than my stories. But I have been writing my stories. Eventually, they'll even get finished, betad, and posted. OMG!!!

Tonight will be brief as I'm fixing dinner and have a meeting to go to in an hour. Hubby gets to feed the kids. LOL!

Well, week one is complete. All I have to do is print the whole thing out. Weeks five through six our outlined and only need journal prompts or fill-ins. My task for this week. This weekend I need to update my website. I really should have done that earlier. Oops.

I heard from the assisstant principal. That's good. It is always nice to be on a first name basis with administrators and I've known him since I was in high school.

Still need to hear from RTs. Hopefully soon.

And that is the sad, sorry saga of my life. Everything else in now on the back-burner as I focus on this. Hopefully, it will be quick and relatively painless. Then in January, I can start looking for a real job.
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