Nov 28, 2008 01:47
I got up at about 8:40 when Jen called me, and so we talked a while. She doesn't know I live on vampire standard time. Then the Thanksgiving texts started shortly thereafter. Chiller had "Rocky Horror" on all day long, which made me happy. Too bad Lara doesn't have that channel - naturally, I told her.
I went down to Grandma's with Dad's mashed sweet potatoes and my baked apples. Missy Erik, and the kids, and then Mom and Dad came thereafter, and we ate. Dolores invited herself over for a bit to see how Dad was doing - more like to see, "Is he dead yet?" Must be nice to be so "poor" as to still be able to afford facelifts and go to Florida at the drop of a hat. Heh. I played with the kids - Sethie got all kinds of trucks for his birthday, which was Sunday.
Then Missy led the conga line to the bathroom, then Aislinn. Grandma told her not to flush, because it supposedly pumps the well dry if it doesn't shut off. Missy flushed because, well, it needed it. Grandma freaked, making Missy go make sure it shut off. Screechy fight ensues, and Missy and Erik bundle up the kids for home so she and I can go to Gwilym's. Grandma complains about her getting smart (no, apparently there's no age-limit to that), and Terri pulls me aside, knowing I'm following her home, saying that Grandma has decided that until Missy apologizes, there is no Christmas dinner, because "she doesn't need this." I might not have my father for many more holidays, so in the grand scheme of things....WTF? And how the fuck did *I* get dragged into this? They bitch at me for not acting maturely, and they wonder where I get it from.
So I went to Missy's, and we went to Gwilym's for his surprise 69th birthday (heh heh, 69). He got a naked lady cake, complete with cupcake boobies. The "Toilet Incident" has become a running joke - we all apologized anytime we flushed. We had all kinds of cordials and some grain cherries - I still have it out for Eileen's (Gwiylm's one-night stand from Pennsic who's somehow stuck around for 4 years) daughter for drinking the cordials Missy made me for my 21st. And Missy, Derek, Lochlin, and I spent a whole hour and a half "balloon-spanking" - tossing balloons around the room. It was a fuckin' riot - Derek brags about spending the night "playing with a college girl." Josh called during all of this, and Missy asked if it was "Josh the asshole." And he would not drop it. The dude can be soooo fucking emo, like tonight. So we headed home at about midnight, and I left her place about 1. Oy vey...
I am not so crazy to go out for anything tommorrow, not for love or money. At 6:30 tonight, people were already camped outside of Best Buy. Nothing in the world that they have would make me do that. I am volunteering my services at work this weekend, and hanging with Nikki and Mike for their b-days, and probably drinking Sunday night. So do I have to venture out at some point. Got to finish my damn papers in the mean time...