Fic: One Year Older (Supernatural, Dean/Sam)

Aug 27, 2007 20:53

Title: One Year Older
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Teen+
Notes: This was written for restless_jedi. Happy Birthday!

Dean sat on the motel bed, one leg tucked under the other. Next to him his brother slept. Sam looked a good five years younger lying there, peaceful for once. Dean looked up at the mirror hanging on the wall across from their bed. Dark shadows haunted his tired eyes. He rubbed a hand over his face and tore his eyes away from the reflection of the past year. Every battle won and lost had left its mark on him, in subtle ways and more obvious. Dean ran a finger over a particularly fresh scar. He didn’t want to think about the past. Not tonight. This night he was going to live in the present. He was going to lap up every detail and not let a single drop go to waste.

He turned his gaze to the alarm clock blinking silently at him from the shoddy nightstand. 11:59. Dean waited. The red numbers seared into his vision, until finally... 12:00. Dean breathed a sigh of a relief. He brushed Sam’s bangs to the side, a wistful smile on his lips. He leaned in close, breathed Sam in... soap and shampoo from the shower he’d taken just before bed. Dean moved closer still and pressed his lips against his brother’s. He could still taste the toothpaste from an hour ago. He ran a hand across Sam’s cheek, soft. He committed all this to memory.

One more birthday, one year older. It was the greatest gift Dean would ever give his brother. One beautiful, glorious, messed up year in each other’s arms that Dean would spend an eternity paying for. But at least he would have the memory.

Sam’s lashes fluttered open. He looked up at Dean, confused, worried. “Dean?”

Dean smiled as if he hadn’t a care in the world and the worried lines on Sam’s face relaxed. “Happy birthday, Sammy.”

Sam’s eyes darted to the clock. “You know, if you really wanted to do something nice for my birthday, you could’ve let me sleep,” Sam replied grumpily.

“Shut up and take your present,” muttered Dean, just before straddling Sam and diving in for another kiss.

fanfic, supernatural

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