Blessed Thanksgiving

Nov 26, 2008 20:16

As I sit here and think about all the things I would like to say about the holiday, I remember I have already said it.  It is a time for gratefulness and family, whatever that means to you.  It is so easy in the day to day mess of life to forget those things we celebrate at Thanksgiving.  So instead of writing it twice, I share with you my article on Celtic Whispers ezine.........

May you enjoy everything about the moment and those you choose to have with you.

Blessed Be and Happy Thanksgiving.

The Magic of Gratefulness

Written And Submitted By: Rev. Crystal Blanton

As Wiccans and Pagans we are generally more in touch with things around us and aware of how we affect the whole.  Interestingly it is not unfounded to say that all people forget some of the most important things from time to time, and I think it is likely that we forget just how we are connected to everything.

As Samhain passes and we enter the holiday season, family, feasting and loved ones become the focal point for people around the world.  Our Mabon celebration of honoring the hard work from the previous year has passed, but the commonly practiced Thanksgiving holiday comes this month.  Wiccans and Pagans have the opportunity to celebrate gratefulness with the rest of the world.  Imagine how gratefulness spread over the world could affect the energy of the universe.

There has been an influx of movies, documentaries and books during the past couple of years addressing the concept of the laws of attraction and manifestation.  The new attentions on these old concepts are highlighting things that witches have known for a long time:  Energy produces results. We are all made of it, and we can control it.  One of the most important things witches know is that we are powerful, but we need to truly understand beyond the words of the statement.

Power can be a blessing, but it also makes each of us accountable for what we do and how we bring our thoughts into real-life manifestations.  One or two moments of gratefulness are not enough to balance out all the energy that is exchanged the rest of the year.  Carrying gratitude with us on a daily basis is the real challenge, but it enables us to do real creation magic in ways that the universe, God and Goddess can hear and respond to.

Working with magic and doing spellwork are very deliberate.  These are planned and thought out for maximum results.  Time is put into the words, candles, stones, herbs, items and intent needed for spellwork as it is thought of normally.  What happens if we remove everything from the previous list except for our intent and thoughts?  Practitioners of the Craft know the only thing we really need for successful magic is our will and energy.   With this in mind, does that mean we are doing spellwork all the time?

This is a concept that is hard to grasp, but it is what all the New Age movies, books and CDs are reminding us of.  We are powerful beings, and we are using our thoughts, energy, intent and vibrations to create our lives, reality and perceptions.  This is indeed some of the most powerful magic that one can wield.

In Eckhart Tolle’s online advice column he responds to a reader’s question about how to apply his teachings to everyday life.  Tolle’s response to the question is a good example of how we learn how to make gratefulness the magic of our lives.

“It is true, of course, that everybody already lives in the present moment, but unfortunately they haven’t noticed, and they pretend that past and future are more important than now. In reality, your entire life unfolds in the space of now. Nothing exists outside of the now. So I am talking about making the present moment conscious.” - Eckhart Tolle.

Living consciously in the moment is one of the best ways to manifest magic on a continual basis.  We do this now without realizing it or choosing what we are manifesting.  In this moment there is an opportunity to do what we do in sacred ritual space but without the tools, preparation, incense and candles.  We get to make magic, every moment, every day and with every thought.

As the holidays come closer and our loved ones circle around us, we have the opportunity to manifest reality once again.

When we are in the moment and not in the past or future, we can see some of the things we are grateful for right in front of us.  We are living, breathing creatures of the earth with our own minds and thoughts.  Each of us has the ability to make choices that will lay the workings for our lives in each and every moment.  Each day we have the capacity to love and receive love from others.  If you are reading this article you have the ability to read, see, think and feel, and you possibly own a computer.  In this very moment I have the opportunity to write for each of you and embrace myself as someone with a voice I want to share.  I have the opportunity to be heard, and for that I am truly grateful.

As I sit here typing on a computer, listening to music and waiting for my ride home, I could not possibly write all the things I am grateful for.  I don’t have to wait for Mabon, Thanksgiving or any other holiday or Sabbat to remember what is right in front of me. 
As the holiday approaches let it be a reminder of another opportunity to do what you have the option of doing every moment you are breathing.  Use your powers of manifestation with your thoughts of gratefulness to allow the universe to bring you more things about which to be grateful.  Don’t ever forget that with each breath you are doing what witches do best: Create magic.

"When you become aware of silence, immediately there is a state of inner still alertness.  You are present.  You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective conditioning" - Eckhart Tolle.   "Blessed Be oh Yemaya!! Yey Omo Eja" - "Mother Whose Children are the Fish"

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