Jul 07, 2008 16:16
So today was the first day back to work after dealing with work drama and the interesting week that led me to using music as a venting tool this weekend, LOL!! (I know, it is so Jr. High)
So today I purposefully started the day with a notion that it was going to be good and productive. It started with a bumpy start but for the most part it was a good day. I am trying to remember to do that consciously because I forget it sometimes when things become uncomfortable. One of my biggest missions is to not allow outside interference change the way that I feel inside or operate.
This is a process for me and one that is not a easy process. It is one I continue to work on.
So today is hopefully a good start to a good week. I don't want another week like last week, that just takes too much energy, processing and yelling lyrics to songs to get through, LOL!!