Feb 12, 2012 17:01
I have no motivation lately. I didn't realize it at first because I felt I was pretty busy. Today, however, I had some time for reflection. I'm busy, but I'm busy planning things. Not doing them. There is a bunch of stuff that I need to take care of that I just haven't done. I'll mess around on the computer, clean, or play Skyrim. But everything else sort of falls away.
1. I need to start on my HHP license. I'm paying for the courses. Might as well do them. I've been slacking on that for a few months.
2. I need to sew garb for Frankie, the kids, and myself. Every weekend I tell myself I'll do it and every weekend I don't. The next Ren event is on Saturday and while Frankie and I have some garb, the kids have none. I know they really want to dress like Medieval times. I've had the material since November.
3. A friend of mine has been asking for 2 years for a drawing from me. After the move I couldn't find my good charcoal and graphite pencils. I bought some more but haven't even begun to work on it.
4. I need to get my business license for the reiki practice I want to start. I also need to join the San Diego Reiki Corps and begin volunteering at a local hospital. Both of which will get me clients. I haven't done anything towards that. I also need to get my master attunement still.
5. I want to work on a web series with some friends. It's going to be animated. I need to work on the characters and figure them out. Unfortunately I haven't done anything about it except talk about it.
6. I need to start doing daily reiki sessions on myself, meditate at least once a week, and journey. I have been neglecting not only those but also haven't done anything spiritual since Samhain.
7. I need to sign Kieriana up for Girl Scouts. I did sign her and Orion up for Boys and Girls Club but she got kicked out. Girl Scouts might be a good idea. It's not expensive to do here. I just haven't called the woman I'm supposed to yet.
I can go on but those are the main things. I just have no motivation to get things done. It's not that I'm overwhelmed with all the stuff I have planned. I mean, I even found a way to fit it all in to my schedule. But every time I need to do something I find myself doing nothing. It's driving me mad!