Title: The Blue Rose
Author: amethystrose001
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: Mature
Summary: The frail prince of Jotunheim is handed over to Asgard when Laufey passes away. Can the young Thor win the heart of his spouse?
Disclaimer: All fictitious, all fictitious...I don’t own anything, not the characters or the story plot. Only words are mine, and I enjoy playing with them.
Warnings & Notes: This is an arranged marriage fic, where Laufey is not all evil, and he decides to hand over his "fragile prince" to Asgard before passing away. Therefore we also get to see some Jotun Loki, and oh, Thor gets to be Loki's first. First one to kiss him, first one to bed him, and his first love, because Loki had always been caged in his palace in the name of protection. And also, everyone is miss goody-two shoes and nobody is mean (like Laufey and Odin and all, because c'mon! ), and everything will be beautiful and nothing will hurt. I'm sorry, I just have so many feels!
If I have other warnings, I'd mention them in the beginning of the chapter.