Photos: Crochet stuffs

May 01, 2013 12:40

*Rubs eyes* You leave Livejournal for a couple of decades and they change everything...

Speaking of quoting Phoebus, I picked up HoND on that newfangled Blu-Ray thingie but haven't actually watched it yet, since I have to borrow my sister's PS3 to do so and I...well, just haven't bothered yet. Maybe this week, later today even.

What have I been up to? Crochet and playing Minecraft, and watching Minecraft videos -- I'm totally addicted to this group of British YouTubers called The Yogscast who do some awesomely funny stuff with custom adventure maps and world builds. I'd love to do some epic builds myself, but it can get a little tedious all by yourself. I've started on a few castles and making up stories on the spot as I build, but I'm not sure how I might turn that into something readable/shareable online. I've been inspired a few times to write again but nothing has been completed yet. I think it might be time to hang up the Transformers hat. I was cleaning my room yesterday and the figures on display have been cut down to two shelves.

I've had a bit more luck with focusing on crochet, although of course I have way too many projects going at once. I'm working on two different amigurumi dolls at the moment. Here's a couple of photos:

I think I've mentioned working on this blanket before. When I decided to declare it finished, it didn't actually fit the bed as it's pictured here. So, I turned it sideways, and, tadaa! It fit just fine. OMG, it's so comfyfluffy. *_* Caron Simply Soft yarn FTW.

While looking around for tutorials on different crochet stitches, I came across pictures of crocheted animals called amigurumi. They looked fun, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I didn't use any patterns, just started with basic shape forms to experiment. I first made a lumpy cat-thing that I haven't assembled. %D I also made a few cat toys out of different shapes that I filled with stuffing and catnip, and the cats absolutely love them (plus stepping on one of these in the dark is much less painful than potentially turning your ankle on a solid ball of yarn left outside your door). I felt pretty confident with the crochet forms so I dove into making a complete doll:

Good ol' Alexa Reaves. This took plenty of trial-and-error, I think I took apart and reattached the limbs about five times. I crocheted eyes from embroidery thread but I couldn't get them to look quite the way I wanted, so I decided to go with this more simplistic version of a doll. The hair took the longest, being two different colors of separated cross-stitch thread to give a highlighted look. Tiny headband! So cute! ^_^ I might do another version later on.

Currently in the works is Quatre from Gundam Wing, a Creeper from Minecraft for my sister, and I think maybe Clopin should be next... =D

craftiness, minecraft

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