SQUEE!! My last Transformers: Mosaic piece!

Aug 07, 2012 07:30

It's been four years in the making, but, here it is!

[ "Familia" on Deviantart ]

Where have I been in the meantime? Crocheting, cross stitching, still slowly chipping away at home improvement projects, and recently collaborated with my mom on a costume for the NY Renaissance Faire -- we went on Sunday with a couple of co-workers and a gaggle of my sister's friends. My costume was based on the colors of Fluttershy's Gala gown, with crochet flowers and cross stitch butterflies. I wasn't approached by any Bronies but I had a ton of fun being there in costume! =D There is a chalkboard in the park and I wrote "Bronies Unite" and "Smile, smile, smile" on it. I went by it about a half hour later and someone had written "Bad Wolf" nearby, which satisfied my inner Doctor Who geek. ;D We went to the first jousting event, and our knight was Robin Hood, which was awesome. XD I was content just to walk around, but in the end I did buy a simple necklace and an anniversary shot glass. :) Great fun, and I hope I have the opportunity to go again in the future! If I wasn't so much like Fluttershy in personality, I think it'd be fun to volunteer as a wandering performer there. XD

geekery, craftiness, tf: mosaic, mlp, fandom, doctor who

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