Ficness! And the Return of the Blond Gypsy.

Apr 21, 2004 23:48

And the Muse said: Let There Be G Gundam Fanfic. And it was made so. And hopefully it's decent, because this has so far turned out to resemble a crossover between G Gundam and my HoND fic. ^_^;;;

I was so pissed Sat night that I wanted to just WRITE, but I needed something a little different to throw myself into. I dug out my fledgling G Gundam fic and decided to take another look at it. I soon realized that if I was going to get anywhere with it, I would have to approach it like a HoND fic rather than a Gundam fic. So, many members of my HoND cast have been adapted to the Future Century era, although their lifestyles are very similar to ye olde HoND days. The story will end up being more fluff-like than my usual work -- and very likely more than a bit cliche, but I simply want to have fun with writing again. ^_^ There's no Clopin, but there is drama, humor, and of course gundam fights! XD (I've always found it amusing that DG can stand for the Dark Gypsies or Devil Gundam...heheheheh...)

I warn that the writing isn't too great on this first chapter. :\ I need to get rolling more on the actual G-character development, which will come in the second apologies to the George fans for the moment. ^^;;

Two, of Diamonds: Chapter One

Edit 4/22@12pm: My comp froze last night before I could finish proofreading a second time. XP It seems after I uploaded it, the accented letters got fudged. XP Blah. :P

fanfic, g gundam

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