Apr 21, 2008 08:22
I'm rereading a book called Bad Prince Charlie which remind a bit of Zelazny's Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming a book I adore but lent to Katie forever ago in high school and haven't seen since. I'm reading it because it's cute and kind of funny and easy which means it's enjoyable without being influential. I like that about it.
Meanwhile, I'm wondering if the late 20's are inevitably topsy-turvy for people. Everywhere I look my friends and loved ones in their late 20's are in the middle of strange upheavals, including myself, though mine is actually more positive than negative. One friend is completely freaking herself out about her academic/professional goals in life and whether or not the work involved is worth it (or even possible, I think). Another fears he will never, ever meet the right girl and keeps trying to settle for the wrong ones instead (I wanted to throttle the last one, and him for continuing to see her, even in the face of the obvious). Still another is having her beautiful, brilliant, amazing soul crushed by her work situations which involves both getting her heart broken every day and the threat of having her bones broken for her, too. One is in a perpetual point crises and currently both of ther cars are broken down. Me, I'm a lot less depressed. I've traded depression for terrified hope. I think I prefer it.
So, I guess I kid of just wanted to put it out there that even though I'm not the best person at sympathy and certainly not the best at that whole "let me comfort you" thing I hate it that things are so difficult for you and I wish there was something I can do about it or some useful advice I could give you.
I'm really sorry.