Guess I ought to post, once a quarter, right?
So, not a whole lot new with me. Still working the contract job for this company. It's been good. This is the job that I wish I'd had out of college. It's (mostly trying) to do all the right things, from agile practices to actually having intelligent and experienced architects designing the systems. I've been learning a lot technically for sure. One of the best things is that all of the people there are great to work with. Inside and outside the teams there is a very professional atmosphere with the ability to work together.
That might sound like a 'duh' statement, but the two previous companies I've worked for were anything but professional and people did not work well together (or at least with certain people.)
So, yeah, work has been the biggest time sink, as usual.
But, that aside.
I got a new monitor which I really like ( I love the size, the colors are great and it's fully height adjustable. Really been great for art (that is if I could get motivated to spend more time on it.)
Hmmm....well, not sure what else to post. Rather late here so I'm not thinking all that straight. :P Anyway. :P