Those Who Live Together Do Not Experience The Best Sex!

Nov 20, 2005 23:36

Hey, if you have a min then check this out! Found it while doing research for a paper. Not trying to offend anyone but I believe that it is the honost truth that goes along to back up purity! Catch you all later.

The best sex is found in the marriage relationship. It is reported that if a couple abstains from sex before marriage, they are 29% to 47% more likely to enjoy sex afterward. In a study by Dr. Evelyn Duvall and Dr. Judson Landis, evidence was found that premarital sex was not as satisfying.

A study by Linda Waite, Ph.D., a sociologist at the University of Chicago and reported in "Psychology Today," found the frequencey of satisfaction rose considerably after couples adapted during marriage. Married people lead more active sex lives. While cohabiting couples have similarly high levels of sex, married men and women have more satisfaction in the bedroom. That's because married people know the tastes of their partner better and can safely cater to them, while the emotional investment in the relationship boosts the thrill.

A recent Michigan study found that individuals who have never cohabited outside of marriage were more likely to rate their relationships stronger than those who have cohabited (49% of non-cohabitors rated their relationship as "10," compared to 36% of those who have cohabited)(Michigan Family Forum, 1998).

Another recent study by the Family Research Council titled "What's Marriage Got to Do With It?" found "72% of all married 'traditionalists' (those who strongly believe out of wedlock sex is wrong and attend church weekly) report high sexual satisfaction. This is roughly 31% points higher than th elevel registered by unmarried 'notraditionalists.'" THE SURVEY "FOUND THAT STRICTLY MONOGAMOUS WOMEN EXPERIENCED ORGASM DURING SEX MORE THAN TWICE AS OFTEN AS PROMISCUOUS WOMEN." David Larson, a National Institutes of Health researcher, says that couples who don't sleep together before marriage and who are faithful during marriage "are more satisfied with their current sex life and aslo with their marriages compared to those who were involved sexually before marriage.:

"It's not till sex has died out between a man and a woman that they
can really love, And now I mean affection. Now I mean to be fond of
(as one is dond of oneself) --to hope, to be disappointed, to live
inside the other hear. When I look back on the pain of sex, the love
like a wild fox so ready to bit, the antagonism that sits like a twin
beside love, and contrast it with affection, so deeply unrepeatable,
of two people who have lived a life together (and of whom one must
die) it's the affection I find richer. It's that I would have again.
Not all those doubtful rainbow colors."
- Enid Bagnold

Sexual happiness grows only through years of intimate relationship. The height of sexual pleasure, usually comes after ten to twenty years of marriage (Fryling 1995). Good sex, Frying says, begins in the head. It depends o nintimate knowledge of your partner. The Bible uses the words "to know" to describe sexual intercourse (e.g Adam "knew his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore" a son (Gen. 4:1). Real love described in scripture elevates human sexuality from mere animal sex to intimate expressions of love and commitment. Psychiatrist and medical researcher David Larson, after researching the subject with Mary Ann Mayo, says that "THE MOST RELIGIOUS WOMEN ARE MOST SATISFIED WITH THE FREQUENCY OF INTERCOURSE....AND WERE MORE ORGASMIC THAN ARE THE NONRELIGIOUS" (Larson and Mayo 1994:14).

In two new large surveys, the first know as the National Sex Survey of 3,500 people (Laumann, 1994) and the second of 1,000 people (Stanley & Markman 1997), it was found that MARRIED PEOPLE HAVE BOTH MORE AND BETTER SEX THAN SINGLES DO. They not only have sex more often, but they enjoy it more, both physically and emotionally, than do their unmarried counterparts.

Cohabitors do have more sex than married couples, but they dont' seem to enjoy it as much (Waite & Gallagher 2000:79,83). For men, 48% of husbands say sex with their wife is extremely satisfying emotionally, compared to just 37% of cohabiting men. For men, 50% of husbands say sex with their wife is satisfying physically, compared to just 39% of cohabiting men (Waite & Jayner n.d.).

In a 2002 survey reported by British health magazine TOP SANTE, 2,000 women acroos the UK, TWO THIRDS OF MARRIED WOMAN SAY THE BEST SEX THEY'VE HAD IS WITH THEIR HUSBANDS, compared to 13% who say it was when they were single and just 9% when having an affair. "This survey turns on its head the idea that the best sex is when we are footloose, fancy free and single." Juliette Kellow, TOP SANTE'S editor, says "The truth is truly great sex and deep intimacy are most likely to happen within the trusting, committed environment of marriage or a long-termrelationship." Even after 14 years of marriage, 63% of women still fancy their husband as much as when they first met and 65% think sex never goes off the boil with the right man.

It is belived that commitment is the SECRET INGREDIENT in marriage the INCREASES SEXUAL PLEASURE for both sexes. A person committed to making love with only one person in life has a strong incentive to learn how to best please the person. the energy and attention that is devoted to their spouse increases the secual satisfaction. Having sex with someone you love and who knows how to please you literally doubles your sexual pleasure. Paradoxically, selfless love brings far greater sexual satisfaction to the relationship. Married jpeople enjoy sex more not only because their partner is more available, less distracted, more eager, and more able to please, but also because marriage itself adds meaning to the sex act. (AMEN!!!) The expectation of permanence of relation provides for the highest sexual satisfaction. This directly contradicts the popular notion that sex is always the most fun with a new person.

"Married sex really is better sex. Over the long run, there is no better
strategy for achieving great sex than binding oneself ot an equally
committed mate. For both men and women, marriage as a cocial institution
facilitates the development and maintenance of an emotionally committed,
long-term, exclusive union, which typically brings spectacular sexual
--Waite and Gallagher (2000:96)

i love you danny!

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