Oct 19, 2007 18:13
Well, I'm really starting to get back into coming up with lesson plans again. I think part of it may have to do with the fact that we're now seriously looking at a house in the Farmington area. I don't want to say too much, it seems that every time I do, things start falling to the wayside again. I'm aiming at around a 9th grade level for the majority of my lesson plans. I feel that this would be the easiest zone since I can them move them up or down with a few changes. I'm also thinking I might work like a fiend on my arsenal of mini-lessons.
Right now I'm looking up something called 6+1 traits. As much as they are widely used, I can't shake that they are very vauge in what is demanded of the writer. However, it does give a really strong basis of what they can work on. Given certain prompts, each one can be expanded upon. It's something that I'll have to definitly look more into. Right now my main goal is to move away from the obnoxious MEA standards.