Hello folks!
I have a little announcement... My birthday is approaching on Sunday the 11th, and it's going to be the last birthday I'll be celebrating on LiveJournal. I even have grave doubts about whether I'll be in the same country next year... *sigh* There's really no predicting where I'll stand a year from now.
I want this birthday to be
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So, my wish for you this birthday, and for every other birthday, is that you do not stop. Don't cease living while you have an opportunity; don't lose sight of the small things that make you happy, even when the big things are seriously AFU. Sometimes there are no doors and not even windows; get the machete and carve yourself out. I think I've reinvented myself 23 times in the last 20 years, and I've watched the world as I know end at least 7. It all sucks-change does, usually-and then...well, then you just keep slogging, till you notice that flowers smell sweet again, and smiles are a possibility. Chocolate chips cookies taste good, and kittens are, by their nature, cuter than KEWT!
So my wish is that you have more birthdays, and better ones; that serendipity strikes when you least expect it, and that someone in your life-or outside of it-sticks a hand out and gives you a boost. Thye may not know it; you may not realize it at the time, but there are people all about us, influencing our lives, and sometimes-just sometimes, its precisely what we need.
Keep going, luv. And stay in touch--I'll be on LJ and ff.net, unless I'm actually deceased, in which case, I had a good run and am ready for the next one, yeah? You, too. Don't stop, ever.
Ta, Tiger, with bestest of wishes and hopes. Also, reams of positive thinking and Pepper Up Potions and hot gay smexing:)
Thanks a towering ton!
Miaow *rubs head on your knee*
I shall carry your priceless pearls of wisdom & uniquely stimulating philosophy wherever I go. I have nearly drowned in stifling despair more times than I can recall, so thinking of your words will give me balm. I just want to rave one last time about the way you write Wolfram in your fics: beautiful, handsome, manly, fiery, fiesty, nuanced, solid & sexy.
And I can only hope that someone makes you smile as much as your response made me smile... *hugs*
Glad to have done/said/passed on something (anything!); people have, for me, all the time. It's rather amazing, the amount of kindness in the world. It comes in miniscule amounts at times, but at least it's there, accumulating. Stalagmites of kindness, to be used as props:)
Fare thee well & dont be a stranger. You can retain your identity, you know, and carry it with you...Tiger
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