Ok, so a huge amount of stuff has happened in the past 3 weeks or so, and despite several attempts to write about it before now, I always seem to get interrupted by something, leaving me with a partially finished entry. This time however, I am bound and determined to get something out there, so if it's not really completely up-to-date, I apologize. I'll catch up with myself eventually.
First off, I'm finally out of training at work. I got a perfect score on the final exam, and I seem to be doing really well out on the floor. I'm not gonna pretend it isn't stressful at times, but I kinda like the challenge of it. It's pretty awesome thus far, I've got my little cubicle that I'm decorating with all kinds of crazy stuff. My cubicle posse currently consists of a blue metal chicken, a green stuffed elephant, one of the Harvest Moon puppies that Brandon gave me the last time I stopped by GameStop, a rather demonic looking stuffed panda, a mini-gamecube, the Death Star, Hermes the angry gay one-legged pen, and starting tomorrow I'll have a Buddha statue. I still need names for some of the critters, but I'll get there eventually. I actually need to start getting Halloween decorations for it now. Everybody is really cool, and since I'm the baby of the office they're always looking out for and taking good care of me. Miss Patti already asked me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday and everything. ^_^ I really think I'm gonna like it here, especially once I get the hang of everything. Oh, and did I mention I have flex time now? Basically I can go in as early as 6:30 or as late as 9 and get out as early as 3 or as late as 5:30. It's really great for me, what with my classes two days a week and all. And if I keep up the good work I'll be able to work 10 hours days and have an extra day off each week, I don't plan on doing that until I'm out of class though, it'd just be way too much. However, it would be really convenient for when I decide to go visit Kirstin on weekends, which brings us to my next paragraph. ^_^
Last weekend I went down to WAC (or Washington College, if you prefer) and finally got to spend some good quality time with Kirstin, the campus, and the other people on it that I had heard so much about. Chestertown is absolutely adorable, the campus is beautiful, and I'm really looking forward to exploring more of it. I'm already in love with the Literary house, and especially can't wait to spend more time there. I was lucky enough to be there for a birthday/mini-dance party (apparently it doesn't happen very often in the lit house anymore) Friday night after I was finished owning all of the guys in Super Smash Bros. Melee. ^_^
Saturday we explored the shops of Chestertown (including the campus bookstore where I got the Evan's Blue, 10 Years, and System of a Down CDs that I wanted for only $8 a piece, plus Ringu 2 for free ^___^) and had a mini-adventure involving Val's lost purse which I ended up finding only because of my immense need to use the restroom in Dunkin Donuts after running (literally full on running) all over town. *shrug* Go figure. I then attended my first ever frat party, which was interesting to say the least. ^_^ After Kristin, Val, and I left the party, we decided to hang out in The Cove (a restaurant thingy on campus) and talk to all of the random passerby while re-hydrating ourselves. We met some pretty awesome people including the gay waiter guy, Friar Tuck (or rather, somebody role-playing as a friar), and John "Brick Abs." Brick Abs amused us all by letting us walk all over his stomach and then carrying me over his shoulder all over the student center. After getting kicked out of the student center because it was closing, we all walked down to the river and watched the stars until we were too cold to sit still anymore. We ended up crashing in the lit house, only to be woken up an hour later by a very angry Public Safety chick.
Sunday I went to breakfast with Kirstin, Ben, and Wes before heading home to crash yet again.
This week was pretty awesome, since I spent most of it hanging out with various people that I haven't had a chance to hang out with in a while, if ever. I learned that Anthony's Wednesday night class ends at the same time as mine, so now I can have some company for my car ride home that night.
Thursday I got to hang out with Tom, whom I've never really spent any one on one time with, so that was nice. We visited our good friends at GameStop and he treated me to dinner at Genova's before heading back to my place to play some Halo and Smash Bros. for the N64. Friday I stayed in so I could chill and watch some of my shows, but I ended up hearing from someone that I wasn't really expecting to call. So that was...interesting, I guess I should say. I don't really know what's going to come of it yet. It might end up causing more drama than it's worth, but we shall see.
Saturday I went to UMBC to see Ian, only to leave abruptly when he proved that he really hadn't changed that much since the last time I saw him. Oh well, I've learned my lesson finally and now I know once and for all not to bother with him. I needed to satisfy my curiosity, so in the end I guess it was a good thing. I wasn't quite ready to go straight home though, so instead I stopped by Anthony and Jesse's place of employment to get some free food and good conversation. When they got off work I tagged along with them to Jesse's house and sat on his waterbed and played with his lizard Cthulhu (he's so cute and senile! he wobbles everywhere he goes! ^___^) while we all talked about WoW and DDR and such.
Afterwards, I still didn't feel like going home, so instead I went over to Dylan's house to pick him up for the party that we were going to. The party wasn't quite what I had expected, but in a good way (woohoo, mexican space lizards!). I had a really awesome time, and even though we all had to leave at 6:30am, I had some of the best sleep ever once I got home to my own bed.
Which brings us to today. We had a little family celebration of me and my grandmother's birthdays, which was really happy. I got a bunch of cool stuff from everybody, including the first Killswitch cd and a cd by a band called Between the Buried and Me, stuff for my cubicle at work, pretty amethyst earrings and a necklace, a pearl necklace, really cute Victoria's Secret undergarments, and the 1st season and the 1st volume of the 2nd season of Gargoyles on DVD. ^_^ (I know, I'm a nerd, but what can I say, it's an awesome show, and it's really nostalgic for me, so nyah! :p ((go maturity))) Anthony's going to burn Reboot to some DVDs for me too, so I'm really psyched about the nostalgia-fest.
Anyhoo, today was happy. I felt really pretty, and got some good pictures taken while feeling pretty, so now I have new MySpace and FaceBook pics, yay! Oh, and Anthony, Pat, and Max all came over after my family members left, and we played Rez for a little bit. That was nice too, I only wish we'd had more time.
And now here I am, still writing in this godforsaken lj instead of sleeping like a smart person. Oh well, I guess I'll just go in at 9 and drink a lot of caffeine during the day. -_-'' Ugh, I felt like there was one more thing I wanted to say in this entry before wrapping things up, but my brain is so beyond fried right now, I don't even care anymore. My bed calls to me, so it'll have to wait until next time. Ta!