May 07, 2006 13:04

i finally got my DIABOLOS Normal Ed Photobook! after more than a month! i got it! it arrived last Tuesday, 2nd May.. i couldnt post before XD its amazing.. i adore it.. it has two covers O.O imagine my surprise when i saw that it wasnt grey but the same colour of the Limited! it has a cover with is matte and a lil transparent with Gackt and all the script written on it in black, then you can take it off and its marbled-sort-of and brown! and of course.. with the coffin! XD i showed it to two of my friends.. they freaked out at it .. ^^'''''' they dont want to see it agen.. bcoz of the coffin... ^^; oh well.. i dnt care.. XD my most fav performance is Lust for Blood.. and they hate it most XD i wonder.. im the ONLY odd one out round here XDDDDDDDDDDD i dont care ;)some of the photos are funny, others are sweet, others are just sad to see.. but i adore them all.. when my mum saw the BIG group one.. where Chacha is dressed with a tiger-print coat.. she pinted to nearly EVERYONE but not Gackt.. xDDDDD she couldnt find him! she pointed two or three times to You though.. '.' after like 15 mins or more.. she found Gackt! FIALLY! i as crying of laughter! XDDDDDDDD i dont know what else to say apart that i wrote even too much XDDDDDD

last but not least..

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