I want to learn Japanese, HELP pls?

Feb 28, 2007 21:44

NOTICE to all japanese learners/knowledgables round my LJ..
i wanna leanr japanese, but since there are no available teachers round here.......
i wanna learn it on my own.. now.. i want a book which is simple but still can be used even when u know japanese quite well. in ohter words a book that will teach me the basics and over. Shiro-chan already suggested me a textbook, but it focuses more on oral dialogues. id love to learn to read japanese as well. i want to manage to read lyrics when i see them, not just see beautiful characters. im slightly slow in learning, especially regarding grammar... ^^;
so... im asking u guys, since most are learning/know japanese, do YOU know of any good book i can use? i know im being slightly picky, but i cant spend too much, and i cant buy 'useless' books. one that is good and i will use, or nothing. ^^;
thanks for all who will help! if ud want to ask me something else just ask :D *mega hug*
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