Title: A Not So Random Stranger
Words: 2,200
Characters: Jack, Suzie
Rating: R (for language)
Warning: None.
Spoilers: DW Boomtown.
Summary: He was bored, and she was there.
Beta: Thanks to
kahtyasofia for the beta!!!
Author's Notes: Just a missing scene, nothing fancy ;)
Disclaimer: Really, I don't own anything. I don't even own my car.
It was done. )
I would love to read your version of Ianto and mortal youthful Jack.
Ha, thanks! I've more plot bunnies over here than I know what to do with, but I've been writing lots so you never know...
My problem right now is that I've got three WIPs and really feel like I need to finish something before I start another big fic. Half the reason I even wrote this fic (points up) was because I was so frustrated with everything I've been working on. I just needed to post something you know? *grins*
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