Not been on-line with LJ for ages, been busy with holidays and general stuff. As promised, i have a photee of the Iguana enclosure i built by my own little lonesome.
Its mahoosive! i had to build it in the room as i didn't know if it would fit when built!
Now the little iguana-bugger just sits in the top corner giving evils to anyone who looks at him.
In other more important news, as most have heard, Christian Kitty got shot monday night/tues morning.
He's alright now, had an operation on weds to remove the pellet from his abdomen. It hit him near his hips missing his spine, managed to miss his bladder, kidneys liver etch, and get embedded in his belly fat.
See pic if you want to see his operation scar!
Still very pissed off at the mo, planning to go to the waste lands near where we live in order to stalk evil kids with air rifles so i can shove said air rifle up their arses and shot said rifle until the gun runs out of pellets.
I dont have a air gun myself, but i do have a collection of Samurai swords which could well come in handy.....pity 'most' are all blunt.
Little bastards, the vet thinks he has also been kicked in the face, he has lost one of his front teeth and badly bit his tongue. The vet had to cut a bit out as it was so badly bit.
So now not only does Christian have a wonky ear, but now a wonky tongue to go with it!
And theres me thinking Blue was the alley cat rather than Christian!!!