Nov 11, 2006 18:14
I never post, i know, but i never really have that much that is interesting to talk about.
I'm sure what i find interesting is probably really boring to everybody else!
I'm planning on getting most of my hair chopped off soon, re-dyed and generally shorter than i have it now.
There is a pattern here, i generally have my hair chopped off about once a year, from about just below my sholder blades into a slightly loger bob-ish thing with lots of layers.
Guess what! i'm doing it again, but this time either black and red (highligts on the fringy-layered bit on the front), or what they call a purple haze.
only problem is, with having a boring banky-type job, they'll probably fall over at the very hint of an unnatural colour other than bleach blond...
God i need a job that'll let me have my violet hair again! (without reducing my pay thankyouverymuch).
Anywho pity i dont have it done tonight, as i am going to get dressed up, go out and get pissed.
Problem, i have one bunch of friends going to rock world, another friend wanting to go to sin, and a pair of friends being rather indecisive currently!
Hmmm sin or rw.... tried to decide on calling other friends to join, but they were rude enough not to be in when i call! bah!
Might just go to grand central or fab and decide from there onwards.
Oh and another thing, when did fab stard charging to get in after 10!?!?