Apres Moi, Le Deluge - Chapter Two

Jun 30, 2008 23:30

Title: Après Moi, Le Deluge
Author: amethyst_j/cinnamon_kisses
Rating: R to be safe, couldwill go higher with future chapters
Category: Drama/Adventure/Romance
Summary: AU - An unfortunate incident leads to Harry becoming a vampire. Pre-DH.
Disclaimer: I guess it all still belongs to JKR, huh? Yuck. Well, I’m using nothing from DH, because I didn’t finish reading it, and some - but not all - of the vampire concepts are blatantly stolen from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, because her vampires bring sexy back.
A/N: This chapter is totally unedited. Please forgive me.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

apres moi le deluge

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