Jan 13, 2016 01:03
I've been neglecting here. Alas, everybody seems to have moved over to Farcebollocks, Twitterbug or some other media, so, that is where I go. *shrug*
Not much to report on. Weather has turned to crap; we are snowed in once more. I'm seriously going to find a way to go south for the winters after this one. I just cannot do another year of this insanity. NEVER, NEVER live in a rural area, kids. Unless you're financially soluble and are prepared for all the crap Nature can and will fling at you, it just ain't worth the eventual disintegration of your mind (and body) from isolation.
Powerball lottery has grown obscenely huge and will doubtless rise even more before the actual drawing. Damn right I bought some tickets. Not that I have the proverbial snowball's chance in you-know-where of winning (and to be honest, that large of a sum is probably scarier than you'd think - I'm seeing people go nuts over this thing, and lottery winners have been harassed/harmed for a hell of a lot smaller jackpots) - but I would like at least a million bucks so I can set myself and my family up for life, help out a few friends, and be able to donate to causes I support (like animal rescue, food banks and stuff). I think that's fair to ask for. (And I hope there are multiple winners for the Big One.)
(Also, with my state the way it is, a million bucks is about all I can get should I actually win. Though it would be kind of funny in a way if I did win the Big One and the state had to publicly admit they couldn't pay up...maybe our billionaire governor could pony up the difference, if he was looking for publicity points and yet another photo op...)
Christmas was good, despite spending it by myself - folks went out west to see SIL and Nephew. Probably just as well, because I got whapped with illness (of the monthly nature) so I doubt I'd have been in much of a sociable mood. I went nuts with the tinsel and lights this year because fuck it, tinsel and lights. Last time I felt like decorating for the holidays was in 2012, so this is an improvement.
So that is that for now.
christmas 2015,