Dec 23, 2014 00:55
Looks like my suckjob is dumping me right after the new year's. While I'm neither surprised nor horrified by this - odds were very good that I was hired on a seasonal-only basis, and it *is* a soul-squashing job - it is decidedly inconvenient given that I'm still paying off the credit card balance (that vet bill really put a dent in it). I still have to get Teddy and Taffy fixed, so my last check - which should show up around New Year's - will be going towards that. The rest, to the credit card.
Sigh. Oh well.
Sam kitty has been doing all right - he's somewhat gotten his meow back, although it sometimes is still scratchy, and he's been off-again-on-again lethargic at times, so I still worry about him. But he's still eating and all, so I'm crossing my fingers that things are okay. (Did get his test results and the vet said aside from some normal indications that old age is starting to kick in with the kidneys, everything else appears fine.)
Unfortunately, holiday cards are going to be late - in fact I'm toying with the idea of scrapping some of them altogether this year (don't worry, those of you who asked for a card are still getting one). I am just not in the mood for Christmas and what with trying to keep up with this job and take care of my pets and all, I'm tired as hell and functioning on only half my mental cylinders (if that).
This kind of ties in with some larger mental stuff that's been cropping up a lot this year, especially at current - it's long and complicated and I'm not sure how to explain it, but I'm at a low point in the cycle right now and it's frustrating and depressing.
So that's how it is for now.
the ninth circle of hell,