Oct 29, 2014 00:02
Do note the sarcasm there.
I've been sick this weekend (and for the foreseeable week) with a stupid cold. Haven't had one in a while, let alone one this bad - I've drained an entire bottle of NyQuil (the big size). I blame my dad as he started the plague (and is still recovering from it himself).
Currently I'm in the 'hack-up-a-lung' stage wherein I feel okay enough to be upright for semi-extended periods of time (albeit tired, which is why I haven't done anything other than play computer chess and watch TV this whole time - when I wasn't sleeping off the worst of said cold, anyway), yet am subject without warning to fits of prolonged coughing that won't stop until I get the crap cleared out of my system.
Given that I'm also looking after critters, this has been an inconvenience to say the least. But thus far I've managed to (mostly) maintain everybody and myself, so yay. And though Teddy's eye is now the one showing the conjunctivitis, we've got him going on the eye drops as well and Taffy's eyes look a lot better since we started him on the drops.
They both hate it, poor babies - Teddy has to be wrapped in a towel first, because he struggles more - but they're overall pretty good about it when Mom and I dose them. (And they always get treats afterwards.)
My brother is facing a big decision soon: whether or not to re-enlist. I honestly hope to God he turns it down and gets the hell out of the military asap. I think we'll all breathe easier once he gets back into civilian life, whatever job he lands. So please keep him and his family in your good thoughts/prayers/well-wishes/happy good vibes/whatevers.
orange kittens,