So here we are, Christmas Eve. Compared with this time about last year, I have to say, that while there are things about this year that do suck (no money, no job), it is a step up from what I was facing last year (missing teeth, cat bite, ER bill, abject loneliness, etc). It's kind of funny: in 2010 I started the year in Illinois and finished it in Florida; in 2012, I started the year in Florida and am finishing it in Illinois.
People are complaining about the colder weather, but I'm just fine with it. There's just something about the winter chill that makes my holiday. (And any excuse to wear my big long coat is always good.)
Went out driving to look at Christmas lights tonight. Quite a few nice displays, including a stunner of a house that had its lights set to...some sort of timing display. If I could do that I so would. (BTW I know I promised pictures of my of these days I'll get to it.)
My relatively good mood has just taken a brief nosedive though, when I logged on a little bit ago to find that some raging cockswallop left a comment full of stupid on that article/letter that got published unbeknownst to me. So right now I'm a little steamed. I did reply to that comment (the paper has that feature wherein comments can be left), and although my first response was "Fuck you", I know that they wouldn't allow that, so I scaled it back to a basic "WTF are you talking about? You and the original author need to clarify your crap." (not in those exact words) Christ, some people just aren't happy unless they're shitting in somebody else's cereal. If I were the inventor type I would totally invent something that lets you reach through your screen to punch idiots.
I kind of wish I had a party or something to go to. It's quiet here - neither of my parents are the social type much anymore (not that they ever were in the first place), and Mom's gone to sleep early with a(nother) cold, so Dad's parked in front of the TV (though probably not for much longer) and here I am, plunking away online. We're not going to do anything other than much more of the abovementioned tomorrow... Bland, but oh well.
Ganked from
* Make a post (public, friends/access locked, filtered, whatever you're comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related ("I'd love an icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
* If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.
* Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ so that the holiday joy will spread.
I don't know that I can get to 10 wishes, but I'll put a few down, anyway. In no particular order:
- I want to win either the MegaMillions or Powerball lottery, the sooner the better. I don't care as long as it's a shitload of money - at least several million bucks' worth. The reason being is simple: I like money. I cannot seem to land a job worth a damn, and truthfully, I don't want another retail suckhole. Sadly, I have no ambition or skill, so this is about the only way I'm ever going to advance anywhere - certainly, I'd like to be able to move out on my own again (though not so damn far away from friends and family!) and buy my own groceries again. So I'd be content to live off a big fat win and do the occasional nice thing for people as I could afford it. It would help me pay for stuff like fixing my car's Issues (messed-up player, possible leaky thingamajigger, still-broken taillight) and shoring up what's left of my crappy teeth (I suspect that I am losing/have lost a filling here on one of the bottom front ones, because I can feel this rough spot on the back of it for a while now... Haven't said anything about it yet to my folks because I know they'll flip - it's about $100 to redo a stupid filling).
- I'd LOVE some Akabane fic/art/icons. Anything goes. I eat it all up like candy. :D Bonus points for involving Ban and/or Himiko. Hell, anything GB rocks my world. :)
- That's about it, because really, if I had the first, that would pretty much take care of everything else. Heh.
I hope you all have a good holiday, whatever you do or don't do.