I was in a relatively good mood today, until late afternoon when I heard about what happened in Connecticut.
The Onion pretty much sums it up. I have mixed feelings about gun control, but crap like this makes me think that the pro-controllers have a good point or two. Also, the NRA just needs to fuck off already. Nothing good ever seems to come from a hyperspazzed Rambo mentality. Ditto all the dipshits like Mike Fuckwitbee who're blaming it on "taking God out of everything." O RLY. Last I looked, you douchebags were more intent on *shoving* your brand of religious zealotry down everybody's throats whether they wanted it or not. If that's their idea of 'absent', I'd hate to see what they consider 'present'.
Mental illness has been listed as a possible factor. I'm not inclined to believe that. Most mentally ill people don't go around shooting other people; they're more likely to hurt themselves. I know schizophrenics can be violent, but seriously, with the possible exception of that little creep out in Colorado, when was the last time you heard of a schizophrenic going on a mass shooting spree?
Now it's coming out that this creep had a grudge against his mother to the point where he murdered the kids she had contact with. 9 times out of 10 when this shit happens, it's ALWAYS a guy who has issues against women. How about working on that pattern for a change, maybe we'd see less killing of this type.
This is, sadly, the new 'normal' now. It's not going to stop despite all the calls for gun control, for renewed dialogue, for more safety precautions, for this or that. There will be more. And more. Until we're drenched in enough blood to finally say FUCKING STOP THIS SHIT RIGHT GODDAMN NOW, ASSHOLES. And follow through on that. Until we're willing to address some of the real problems - which I don't think necessarily mean guns, although the gun culture sure doesn't help - this shit is just going to keep on happening. Because society accepts it.