I have found my cracktasticalness for the day. Courtesy of
mightymaeve. XD
Obama-sempai, indeed. >:) It finally (!) occurred to me, that if I couldn't watch the debates on TV, I could try to see if there was a radio station that would carry the audio broadcast. Lo and behold, there was. I tuned in about halfway, I think, but it was long enough to snicker over Obama's bitchslaps of Romneybot.
- Romney pissing that Obama is "weak." DUDE. This is the President who capped bitch Laden and a couple of pissant little Somali pirates that hijacked a freight ship. (Yeah, he did it by proxy, but still, it's pretty clear Obama has no problem wasting the asspimples of humanity. Whereas the Rethuglicans have a rather nasty history of dicking around with asshole regimes/terrorist scum which usually comes back to bite the rest of us in the ass. Iran-Contra, anyone?)
Jeez, dipshit can't even pronounce Ahmadinejad's name right. "Amadadinajhad. Amodinejad. Amadanadinajdhad." Dude, I realize it is a mouthful, and as the owner of an oft-mispronounced last name myself, I get that some names are a PITA to puzzle out. But for fuck's sake at least make the honest effort. (Of course, what am I saying. The words "honest" and "Romney" just don't go together.)
- The "apology tour." I can see it now. "OBAMA WORLD TOUR APOLOGY 2009!" Um, considering that we fucked up the Middle East (AGAIN) and pretty much pissed in the faces of even our longtime allies for 8 years, yeah, I'd say we DO have a helluva lot to apologize for.
Romney whine: "You'd sit down with [Hugo] Chavez, North Korea, Kim Jong, etc. and these are all regimes hostile to America!" So the fuck what. Churchill and FDR posed for a fucking picture with *Stalin*, and nobody in their right mind would argue that Stalin's fucknuttery was even remotely friendly to the US. And Romney, sweets, I GUARANTEE that of our current bunch, Putin especially would eat you for breakfast. While posing for his own publicity tour. And then he'd crap you out on live national Russian TV just for giggles.
Helpful hint: Chavez - like anybody worth their salt would put two shits' worth into any opinion he had anyway - says the kind of shit that he does because he KNOWS that Obama won't put up with his crap. Whereas Romney, whose history consists of making nice with antagonistic countries (helllooooo China) for the express purpose of personal profits, likely would overlook Chavez's crap in favor of inking a big fat oil deal or some such with Venezuela. See who really benefits from that kind of 'endorsement'?
- Oho! And now we have it that Romney apparently did biz with an *Iranian* oil company. Yeah. Ahmadinejad would have Romney bent over the desk with his ass in the air in two seconds flat. And Ahmadinejad is fast becoming the world's uke.
- Wow, snotty much? "[Israel] noticed that you skipped [them]. They noticed." On a par with the jackasses who say that Obama never keeps in touch with Netanyahu. Bull. Shit.
- Obama-slap: "I didn't take donors and cameras with me [to Israel]." See that, Romney? See what you did there? That's called attention-whoring, and it just makes you look like the suckup asspimple you are. (And Romney by several accounts was pretty snotty with said publicity crew at one point, snapping at them and refusing to answer questions. Remember, kids: It's Only Okay If You're A Republican; everyone else has to obey *your* special standards.)
- Aaaand here we go, Romney pussing out when asked whether he'd pitch us headlong into war if Israel called up and said they were going to go mess with Iran anyway. "Let's not bother with hypothetical situations..." You weaselly fuckbag, THAT'S THE POINT. We WANT to know what you'd do if you expect us to waste our time with your sorry ass. Tip: "Let's not bother with hypothetical situations..." = "Hell yeah I'd do it, after I called my accountants to figure out how much money I can make off it!"
Romney's whining - and it IS whining, no mistaking that snivelling tone - that he's not getting a chance to rebut Obama's talking about how he PWNED bin Loser...I had to laugh, it was so pathetic.
- And now we're bitching about OMG nuclear Iran = WORLD'S BIGGEST THREAT O NOES! Honey, it's no more of a threat than any other country with Bombs. *coughISRAELcough* Hey Romney, here's a list of other countries that I'm not comfortable with having nukes: France, Great Britain, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, and oh of course AMERICA. Bombs are bombs, dude. They ALL suck.
Here's the thing. It doesn't really matter when Iran gets a bomb. They're going to, eventually. The technology is just too widespread in the Information Age for it to be contained to any one sphere. Iran is no more a threat than any other jackass with bombs, although the fact that they have religious crazies is in itself cause for concern. (But then, we have our batshit Rapture Christians and dominionists, so there you go) But Iran's not stupid. Ahmadinejad doesn't necessarily hold absolute power; he has to answer to a council and to the religious batch, both of which hold power necessary to his rule. He can't just do whatever he wants, so he purposely says wacko shit about Israel just to rile us up. It's almost like he wants a confrontation in the (most likely vain) hope that it would get rid of the zealots on his ass, and either free him or let him run as amok as he probably wishes he could. (Not happening, dude. You're still a two-faced little wart.) Politics really does make for some strange bedfellows.
Most likely it would result in a stalemate, which is certainly better than all-out war. Remember, we have Pakistan and India, two countries that have hated each other and spewed smack about each other for years, and they got Bombs, but - as yet, knock on wood - have not used them on each other. We can only hope that they realize the truth of the movie WarGames: "the only winning move is NOT TO PLAY."
- Phrase of the week: "currency manipulator." Yeah, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Romney Moneybags. I hereby declare that from this moment on, Romney is now known as the "Bullshit Manipulator."
- Ooh, Obama BURN! "[Romney] sent jobs to China and invested in companies that outsourced [speaking on threats to national security]." Oh god, I love it, Obama nailing Romney like a rancid roadkill on the American auto industry. Romney just sounds like SUCH a whiny pusbag.
- Oh, we had to bring up the foodstamps, didn't we, Romney. Well, sweetheart, as someone who HAS been on foodstamps (briefly, when I was living in Florida), here is a nice Fuck You from me to you. Yeah, my 4 years have been hard, but not as hard as a lot of people's, whom YOU SCREWED OVER DOUCHEBAG, so you could spend it all on your tight-assed wife who looks like she'd fart prunes every time she has to mingle with us peasants for the sake of making you look good, and your stupid cult of a church so they can come up with shit like California's Prop 8 (anti-marriage for gay people). Oh, and of course, more gross fake spray tanner for your dumb ass so you could have a nice photo-op for your caviar-dining sessions. Let's see your sorry ass work minimum retail wage and try and live off that. Let's see you get 7 fucking teeth go bad and have to be pulled out. Oh, you can just go fuck yourself at the ER - isn't that what you once said recently, about sick people wanting that pwecious healthcare and insurance? Well now you can see what it's like, fucker. There's a reason why Jesus said it's a helluva lot easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than it is a rich asshole to gain admittance to heaven.
The fact that there's so much vitriol towards Obama tells me, among other things, that his policies are WORKING. Just not as fast as we all wish they would, but hey - not even Jesus himself could fix all the damage done by Bush II (may he rot forever) in just 4 years, probably not even in 8, and some of that can never be fixed.
- Oh, Romney. Stomping on womens' rights isn't "optimistic," it's being a complete fuckwitted shit-snargling asshole. "Open and honest" - yeah, right, fucker, that's why you asskiss the Koch-suckers and Teabaggers so much.
Thanks but no thanks, I prefer the Obama path. And thanks to your douchebaggery and that of your backers,
this is what Obama will be on November 6th. (Go vote, guys! Early if you can, even.)