Why yes, I am still drooling in happy stupor over the previous post. >:)...
Listened to the album last night, and it's good. Damn good. It's darker than his first album (which is still my favorite) but that's just a reflection of his evolution as an artist, and he does a damn fine job of it. I particularly love Naked Love, Cuckoo, and Chokehold. (And yes, before you ask, there are some lovely lovely lyrics in the songs that have made my GB muses quite happy. Mmmmm, fresh inspiration!)
I'm sorely tempted now to make a Twitter account just so I can follow Adam Lambert and ask him whether or not the GB resemblances (to wit: he does Akabane, Ban, and there's even a picture where he pulls off a slight Makubex appearance!) are intentional. Because if they were, THAT WOULD BE THE MOST FREAKING AWESOMEST THING IN THE WORLD EVER AND I WOULD TOTALLY WORSHIP ADAM FOR IT. :D (Obsession? What's that?)
*sigh* I get so tired of having to come to the library to do my computer stuff because I don't get very much time. I'd rather do this at home (plus: more privacy!) but my poor computer is so old now that connecting to the internet is almost impossible. My antivirus needs updating, and I'm so short on memory now that I can't update it. So, it would be impractical to venture online without a fully-working antiviral; hence, the library.
But anyhoo.
I have very mixed feelings about my impending switch back to Illinois-land. On the one hand, I've been lonely and I miss my parents and friend
ayinsan. I miss the seasonal changes, and dealing with bugs that don't want to eat your face or be all gross around your house.
But I will miss Florida in a way. I will miss the shopping (SO many places! To get stuff, or to eat). I will miss what seemed to be opportunities at every hand (though sadly, due to time and money constraints, I never got to partake of even half of those things - I still haven't even been to the beach at Sanibel/Captiva yet, though I plan to remedy that before June is out). I'll even miss some of the people. Southerners and Southern transplants (people who used to live north or elsewhere, who moved south) are an interesting breed, not necessarily in a bad way like the stereotypes say. Those do exist for sure (I've met plenty), but the overall impression of Southerners and Floridians being hicks is wholly inaccurate. I've met quite a few folks who surprised me pleasantly with their introductions.
The Florida state government, of course, is a different matter, and probably where a lot of the above impressions come in. And a lot of the retirees don't help matters either. That whole thing about old people being nice and young people being rude? Is totally wrong. Older people are some of the nastiest and rudest ones around. (Again though, not all the old folks are mean. I've met some that are really super nice) Though the main thing is this: manners MATTER, whether you're young or old. I'm glad my folks drilled that into me if nothing else.
Speaking of which, I'm not looking forward to having to deal with their issues again. My mom and I are all right, but my dad and I tend to clash. He doesn't ask you to do things. He *tells* you. And if you don't do it his way, he gets all pissed off. He's already telling me how I should pack and what I should do to tie up loose ends here, and I'm thinking, no dad, I'm doing some of this stuff MY way whether you like it or not. So I dread that once I get back north, he's going to be on my case again about stupid shit.
And I'm not looking forward to when we have to move to this new house that they're building. I have yet to see the thing in person, but from what I've seen so far, I'm not impressed. And I'm NOT eager about the fact that it has no basement. Just a small crawlspace. In the Midwest, where we are famous for our Windy City, basements aren't a luxury. And out there on the farmlands, where storms can get pretty nasty...yeah. I know building is expensive (and my dad is NOT good with money! Long story there), but frankly, I think he's stupid for not putting in a basement. Crawlspace doesn't cut it when you have a fucking tornado warning going off. You better pray that damn thing misses you by a mile.
But, since I'm once again going back to being poor(er), this is what I have to work with. (There's another thing I dread, the job search.) This is one of the reasons I came up with the 5-year plan that I mentioned in a couple earlier posts. I seesaw between thinking maybe I might have a smidgen of chance to seeing my sorry state and thinking, I'm fucked, I should just take my chances in the next life, if there is one. It's not a happy feeling.
But anyhoo. Time for me to scoot.