Jan 24, 2012 11:34

Thanks to my dad, my car now has all new 4 tires on it.


Bad news is that once again my damn workplace has screwed me over on the scheduling. I was hoping to get Thursday off, since that part of my request I had thought I got in early enough, but evidently not. I'm slated to work then. As it is now, I have to work today and tomorrow so time with the folks is limited, much to my displeasure. I hope I can get one of my coworkers to trade days with me again - I'm off Friday, but they're leaving then. I'd rather have Thursday off and work Friday instead. >:p We shall see.

Monday (which I managed to get off despite being originally scheduled that day) was pretty good. We went to Sears, which is where I got the tires done, and they gave us a nice freebie: a $70 giftcard to blow at the neighboring department store, plus a $5 off coupon, so we all got a couple of things (Dad, some socks; me, some new underwear; Mom, a new shirt). Afterwards we ate at the mall food court, where I had Sbarro's pizza WHICH IS FREAKING AWESOME - I LOVE Sbarro's and I wish they had chains elsewhere besides malls - that's the only place I've ever seen them. Anyhoo I had two slices of their mushroom pizza. YUM.

We stopped off at Mallwart so Mom and I could get a couple of things, then came back to my place and kicked around the rest of the day there. Mom had brought a small load of my stuff she'd packed, so I went through that - most of it is stuff I didn't need or want, but she didn't know that, so it's okay. The Goodwill store will be getting a visit from me later this week.

Got caught up on all the local gossip from up north. My dumb aunts are at it again - Mom told me Grandma (my dad's mom), who passed away last August, hadn't even been dead a full 2 months before one of them called up my uncle (who is the executor of my grandparents' wills/estate) wanting to know when she was getting some money she believed was due her (long story there). Ahhh, my dad's family. /sarcasm My response to that was "what, only a month and a half? I'da thought she'd pounce before the first month was out!"

Also took an unholy amusement in the report that a buttwipe ex-boss of Mom's is now apparently not doing so well for himself as he used to. Schadenfreude, baby. (Yes, I am evil.) This guy used to really live it up, taking cruise trips all the time, skimming his company's ledgers for money that he'd then blow on his family on expensive shit; meanwhile my mom, when the business was still active, got fobbed off on all the actual work. And of course her taking time off was not quite as kosher.

Today we're just getting in what time we can before I return to retail enslavement.

parents, family, stupid people

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