Passage (rwp #25: see things differently)

May 07, 2008 01:43

There! Another is arriving.
They've been streaming in for days
Unchallenged, Unbelievable
Slithering vacantly into homes
Lighting up doorways and windows
We've been watching them
Waiting our turn.

My boots have rested on this
Counter-top for two centuries
What feels like one million days
Only a few hours.
Just watching and waiting
This hour was destined,
Known of old.

Our eyes are glittering mirrors
Their forms glide on our pupils
Like ghosts over ice
And in front is the Master
Her body like a golden arrow
Her army in her wake, a metallic flock
To reclaim this City.

My home on the hill and my man
Their eyes, those of my children
I can see them widen
I feel him covering their shoulders
And he knows that I'll be first
The instructions on the bedside table
My stew in the freezer.

Tying up laces, We half march
We half-run, half-fly (it feels)
To the gates to meet our beginning
We see the Protectors' coach gleaming
And we step into the shoes we'll fill
One hundred years or more
Until they feel ground again.

We few have been the Gaurdians
Our families entwined in the bricks
for centuries, each taking our turn
to leave the hill and take our
Mothers' place in the heavens
Unable to return until our daughters
Have come of age.

And in the corner I see Her
My ancient mother, and in the other I see
Her, my daughter. The one returning,
The other new, but she'll be where I am
Her boots bigger, Her eyes wiser
Looking on her home as she
Rises to protect it.
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