Sep 20, 2006 11:20
OMG IT'S SO AWESOME! Why didn't I think of it sooner! I've always wanted a corset piercing but I probably will never 'cause it looks painful as hell AND if it's not pierced the right way, with right jewelry, then it can't be kept in the long run so I thought...AH, I want a TATTOO of a corset piercing! YEHA! That would be so awesome! OMG OMG OMG I want it so bad!!! And I think I will too when I have $$$! My friend also wants a custom tattoo too so I'm waiting for her to design hers and then I'mma do mine. I know it's gonna cost a little bit more than pre-designed tattoos at the parlor so I'm saving up! OR I could just ask the guy upstairs to do it for me for free and charge my friend to do hers 'cause she's not family. oh right, the guy upstairs is my brother-in-laws brother So anyway, I CAN'T WAIT! KYAAA~!!!