Aug 23, 2008 22:54
If yall don't know already, I don't have a lot of confidence in myself and the things I do. But right now, I'm feeling good about myself. Why? 'Cause I got complimented! *ROFL* It's just a little thing but I dunno, it just really made me feel good 'cause I hardly hear that kind of stuff.
Well, my sister-in-law and her sister and a friend were outside and I thought the door was locked, so I went to open it, surprising the friend. Then I just turned away and then she shouts at me saying, "Ooh, dang you so pretty"! *ROFL* Then she turned around to ask my sister-in-law who I was. Sis was like, "Oh, that's {inserts my real name}". It's quite amusing. I'm especially feeling good 'cause it was a girl who said it and yall know how girls get jealous and vicious and stuff like that because someone is better lookig or whatever. Hai, hai. I feel pretty, oh so pretty~
Yeha, I'm stupid.
i just wanted to say...